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List of
Best Papers
List of
Presidential Addresses

31 talks found:

(Click on mtg# for details and minutes)

Rec Mtg# Year Authors Institution Talk title
1 1406 2007 Michael P. Ryan USGS Solitons, eruptions, and deep Hawaiian magma migration
2 1406 2007 William F. McDonough University of Maryland Geoneutrinos: what are they and what do they tell us about the Earth?
3 1406 2007 Shuhai Xiao Virginia Polytechnic Institute X-ray tomographic microscopy of the earliest known animal embryos
4 1407 2007 Sarah Carmichael University of New Hampshire Formation of replacement dolomite by diffuse effluent: Latemar carbonate buildup, northern Italy
5 1407 2007 John D. Rummel NASA Headquarters Astrobiology and solar system exploration: the good, the bad and the ugly
6 1407 2007 Andrey Bekker Geophysical Laboratory Rise in seawater sulfate during the Precambrian
7 1408 2007 Christopher S. Swezey USGS Origin of the Sahara Desert
8 1408 2007 Francis Slakey Georgetown University The summit is just a place to turn around: a physicist's take on climbing Mt. Everest
9 1408 2007 Kevin P. Furlong Pennsylvania State University Why is the San Andreas fault system uniquely creepy?
10 1409 2007 Linda A. Hinnov Johns Hopkins University Assembling an astronomical-calibrated time scale for Earth history
11 1409 2007 Mark D. Myers USGS USGS science: facing tomorrow’s challenges
12 1409 2007 Nora Noffke Old Dominion University Turbulent lifestyle: cyanobacteria on Earth’s sandy beaches today and 3 billion years ago
13 1410 2007 Lara S. Wagner Department of Terrestrial Magnetism A little bit of Texas under Argentina: seismic studies of a flat-lying, subducting slab in central South America
14 1410 2007 James W. Head III Brown University Tropical mountain glaciers on Mars
15 1410 2007 Charlotte Sullivan Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Application of cutting edge seismic attribute technology to the geologic sequestration of carbon dioxide
16 1411 2007 Catherine M. Cooper Department of Terrestrial Magnetism Cratons and the 410-kilometer discontinuity
17 1411 2007 David Houseknecht USGS Coastal erosion doubles in fifty years along the Arctic coast of Alaska (2nd Best Paper 2007)
18 1411 2007 Andrew S. Cohen University of Arizona The Lake Malawi Scientific Drilling Project: paleoclimate surprises from the African tropics
19 1412 2007 Michael Fromm Naval Research Laboratory Smoke in the stratosphere: tales of the awesome pyrocumulonimbus
20 1412 2007 Maureen D. Long Department of Terrestrial Magnetism A sinking feeling: subduction and the mantle flow field
21 1412 2007 Walter A. Robinson National Science Foundation Atmospheric jets: from fluid dynamics to drought in the Southwest
22 1413 2007 Giovanni Sella NOAA Continental glaciers and crustal motion observed by GPS in North America
23 1413 2007 Basil Tikoff University of Wisconsin Deformation along the San Andreas fault system: a lithospheric-scale approach
24 1413 2007 Jeffrey Post National Museum of Natural History Recent research on the Hope diamond
25 1414 2007 Katherine Maher USGS Uranium-series dating of soils and paleosols using the SHRIMP-RG ion microprobe: new techniques and applications
26 1414 2007 Darryn W. Waugh Johns Hopkins University Ocean uptake of anthropogenic carbon
27 1414 2007 Alan Robock Rutgers University Nuclear winter revisited: climatic consequences of nuclear conflict using current nuclear arsenals (Best Paper 2007)
28 1415 2007 Bridget R. Scanlon University of Texas, Austin Impacts of changing land use on subsurface water resources in semiarid regions
29 1415 2007 William F. Cannon USGS The Sudbury impact layer in the iron ranges of the Lake Superior region
30 1415 2007 Derek C. Richardson University of Maryland Rocks with moons: the origin of near-Earth asteroid binaries
31 1416 2007 John F. Slack USGS Probing the redox state of Proterozoic seawater: Geochemical, biological, and economic implications (Presidential Address)

John F. Slack was President in 2007
Craig Schiffries was 1st VP in 2007
Sonia Esperanca was 2nd VP in 2007
Richard J. Walker was Past President in 2007
Odette B. James was Treasurer in 2007
Sean Brennan was Meeting Secy in 2007
William F. McDonough was Council Secy in 2007
Jay Kaufman was on the Council in 2007
James F. Luhr was on the Council in 2007
Connie Bertka was on the Council in 2007
Elizabeth Cottrell was on the Council in 2007
James F. Allan was on the Council in 2007
Lindsay McClelland was on the Council in 2007
Callan Bentley was on the Council in 2007
Linda Rowan was Chair of the Program Committee in 2007
Mary Jo Baedecker was Chair of the Awards Committee in 2007
Sandra Neuzil was Chair of the Membership Committee in 2007
Jeffrey N. Grossman was Chair of the Nominating Committee in 2007
R. Brooks Hanson was Chair of the Sleeping Bear Committee in 2007
Richard J. Walker was Chair of the Finance Committee in 2007
Frederick O. Simon was Chair of the Auditing Committee in 2007
Margaret Baker was Chair of the Public srvc Committee in 2007
Alan Robock won the Best Paper Award in 2007
David Houseknecht won the 2nd best paper Award in 2007
James B. Gill won the Great Dane Award in 2007
Harvey Belkin won the Sleeping Bear Award in 2007
R. Brooks Hanson was the Grand Inquisitor of 2007