646th Meeting


The 646th meeting of the Society was held in the Assembly Hall of the Cosmos Club, on Wednesday evening, January 8, 1947, at 8:00 P.M., President W. P. Woodring presiding.

The minutes of the 645th meeting were read and approved.

The Secretary announced the election to membership of David H. Dunkle, U. S. National Museum;  Chalmer L. Cooper, U.S. Geological Survey.

The amendment to Article III "Dues" of the Standing Rules was approved by the members present.

A memorial to Dr. Gerald F. Loughlin was read by L. W. Currier.

Regular program:

Hugh D. Miser: Petroleum geology in the United States Geological Surrey. Discussed by Max Ball, W. P. Woodring.

G. Edward Lewis: A reconnaissance of El Sangay and some other volcanoes of Ecuador.

William F. Guyton: Industrial use of ground water in the United States. Discussed by Max Ball, W. P. Woodring, G. E. Lewis, M. I: Goldman, H. D. Miser, C. L. McGuinness, Olaf Jenkins, A. C. Bevan, Ralph Miler, and W. H. Monroe.

Attendance 163

At 9:40 the meeting adjourned.

[signed George T. Faust]



647th Meeting


The 647th meeting of the Society was held in the Assembly Hall of the Cosmos Club, on Wednesday evening, January 22, 1947, at 8:00 P.M., Vice-President Ernst Cloos presiding.

The minutes of the 646th meeting were read and approved.

The Secretary announced the election to membership of Elizabeth C. Fischer, Elliot Gillerman, Robert O. Weeks, and Wilbur Chapman Irving, U. S. Geological Survey

The resignation of Bettyjean W. Averitt was accepted.

Mr. Chapman presented an informal communication on Aufeis.

Regular program:

R. S. Allan – Origin, distribution and ecology of Tertiary brachiopods of the Southern Hemisphere. Discussed by G. E. Lewis, J. S. Williams, J. Bridge, G. A. Cooper.

Marcus I. Goldman – Bauxitization - a tropical disease. Discussed by E. Cloos, W. H. Monroe, J. Bridge, W. D. Johnston, I. G. Sohn, J. I. Tracey, Jr.

R. F. Black and W. L. Barksdale – The oriented lakes of northern Alaska. Discussed by R. R.. Coats, E. Cloos, J. P. Marble, M. I. Goldman, L. Gazin, O. E. Meinzer, V. E. McKelvey, C. W. Cooke, Sidney Paige, and H. L. Johnston.

Attendance 96

At 9.58 P.M. the meeting adjourned

[signed George T. Faust]



648th Meeting


The 648th meeting of the Society was held in the Assembly Hall of the Cosmos Club, on Wednesday evening, February 12, at 8:00 P.M., Vice-President Carle H. Dane presiding.

The minutes of the 647th meeting were read and approved.

The Secretary announced the election to membership of Wilds W. Olive, U. S. Geological Survey.

Resignations: J. O. Harder, Charles A. Hickox, N. H. Heck.

Informal communication - Ralph L. Miller

Regular program –

Prof. Harry H. Hess – Major structures of the Western Pacific indicated by the bathymetric chart, Korea to New Guinea, H. O. 5485. Discussed by C. H. Dane, J. Bridge, S. Paige, A. J. Bodenlos, R. P. Fischer, W. M. Cady, H. E. Hawkes, E. A. Goddard, R. R. Coats, W. W. Rubey.

F. Earl Ingerson – hydrothermal mineral synthesis. Discussed by W, F. Bradley, J. B. Mertie, W. D. Johnston, M. Fleischer.

J. D. Strobell, Jr. – Multiplex compilation of geologic maps from aerial photographs. Discussed by R. R. Coats, A. J. Bodenlos.

Attendance 154

At 9:48 the meeting adjourned.

[signed George T. Faust]



649 Meeting


The 649th meeting of the Society was held in the Assembly Hall of the Cosmos Club, on Wednesday evening, February 26, 1947, at 8:00 P.M. vice-President Carle H. Dane presiding.

The minutes of the 648th meeting were read and approved.

The Secretary announced the election to membership of: Clifford Barnes, Thomas Austin, and Charles Bates (Oceanographic Division, Hydrographic Office); Alvin Van Valkenberg, Bureau of Standards; Mrs. Fred Wandel, William L. Barksdale, Ernest H. Lathram, John J. Matzko, Robert M. Moxham, Inna V. Poiré, Max G. White, Charles L. Wittington (U. S. Geological Survey).

L. C. Glenn, member since 1897 transferred to honorary membership. David L. Minard of the U. S. Geological Survey was elected to corresponding membership.

Resignations accepted: L. A. Warner, Lyman Huff, John Hall Moss, Helen D. Varnes, C. S. Howard, C. R. Knight, A. H. Koschmann.

Informal Communication by Gerald Fitzgerald

Regular Program:

C. E. Jacob: Elasticity of artesian aquifers. Discussed by A. P. Butler, Jr., R. R. Coates, and R. P. Fischer

T. G. Paine: Tectonic control of sediments during a diastropic cycle. Discussed by Engel, Loeblich.

Prof. Karl Mannerfeldt: Deglaciation of the Scandinavian Mountains. Discussed by W. H. Bradley, A. E. Meinzer, W. F. Wrather and R. F. Thurrell.

Attendance: 110

At 10:30 P.M. the meeting adjourned

[signed George T. Faust]



650th Meeting


The 650th meeting of the Society was held in the Assembly Hall of the Cosmos Club,. on Wednesday evening, March 12, 1947, at 8:00 P.M. President W. P. Woodring presiding.

The minutes of the 649th meeting were read and approved.

The Secretary announced the election to membership of: V. P. Sokoloff, F. S. Black, Schuyler Ferris, C. S. Denny (U. S. Geological Survey); Miner Buell, Hydrographic Office, Navy Department; A. C. Lundahl, Photo Intelligence Center, Navy Department; Dr. S. Zerfos, Crystal Section, Sound Division, Naval Research Lab.

Informal communications: F. N. Johnston – On stream capture; W. Monroe – On weathering of glauconite.

Regular program:

A. P. Butler, Jr., Transition from Tertiary volcanic activity to basin filling in north-central New Mexico. Discussed by W. S. Burbank, Atwood.

H. Yagoda, Radiochemical techniques in the study of fine-grained radioactive minerals. Discussed by J. P. Marble and R. P. Fischer.

G. A. Cooper, The decline of paleontology. Discussed by W. P. Woodring, H. S. Ladd, J. Bridge, A. C. Bevan, W. D. Johnston, K. E. Lohmann.

Attendance 135

At 9:50 P.M. the meeting adjourned.

[signed George T. Faust]



651st Meeting

March 26, 1947


The 651st meeting of the Society was held in the Assembly Hall of he Cosmos Club, on Wednesday evening, March 26, 1947, at 8:00 P.M., vice-president C. H. Dane presiding.

The minutes of the 650th meeting were read and approved.

The Secretary announced the election to membership of Harold W. Murray, Chief, Hydrographic Surveys Section, Nautical Chart Division, U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey; Arthur P. Butler, Jr., U. S. Geological Survey i

Informal communication:

C. E. Jacob on the use of groundwater for air conditioning.

Regular program:

L. W. Currier, Applied geology in the Massachusetts program. Discussed by Bradley.

M. D. Foster, Origin of high sodium bicarbonate waters in the Coastal Plain. Discussed by Byers

Ernest Dobrovolny, Geology applied to highway design and construction. Discussed by Dane and unidentified gentleman.

Attendance 95

At 9:30 the meeting adjourned.

[signed Medora H. Krieger]



652nd Meeting


The 652nd meeting of the Society was held in the Assembly Hall of the Cosmos Club, on Wednesday evening, April 9, 1947, at 8:00 P.M., Vice-president Carle H. Dane presiding.

The minutes of the 651st meeting Mere read and approved.

The Secretary announced the election to corresponding: membership of A. J. Bodenlos, U. S. Geological Survey.

Informal Communications:

E. F. Ingerson: The use of liquid inclusions in geologic thermometry.

R. R. Coates: Boulders.

Regular program.

R. P. Fischer, Origin of the Colorado Plateau vanadium deposits. Discussed by Jaffe, Miller, Lasky.

Paul D. Krynine, Diastrophism and the origin of sediments. Discussed by Paige.

Attendance 105

At 10:03 P.M. the meeting adjourned.

[signed George T. Faust]



653rd Meeting

April 23, 1947


The 653rd meeting of the Society was held in the Assembly Hall of the Cosmos Club, on Wednesday evening, April 23, 1947, at 8:00 P.M., President W. H. Woodring presiding.

The minutes of the 652nd meeting were read and approved.

The President announced the death of C. Dwight Avery.

Regular program:

E. N. Goddard: A new rock color chart for field use. Discussed by Henbest, Coates, Trask, Lang, Woodring, Hendricks, Johnston, H. C. Smith.

F. S. Simons: Structure and recent activity of Great Sitkan volcano. Discussed by Hendricks, Paige,

V. P. Sokoloff: Engineering map units in Fairfax quadrangle, Virginia. Discussed by Paige, Woodring.

Attendance 90

At 9:30 P.M. the meeting adjourned.

[signed Medora H. Krieger]



654th Meeting

October 22 1947


The 654th meeting of the Society was held in the Assembly Hall of the Cosmos Club, on Wednesday evening, October 22, 1947, at 8:00 P.M., President W. H. Woodring presiding.

The minutes of the 653 meeting were read and approved.

The President announced the death of G. R. Mansfield.

Dr. Helen M. Strong of the War Department was elected to membership.

An amendment concerning arrears in dues was presented by Carron.

Regular program:

C. H. Behre, Jr. – Structural control of the European lead-zinc deposits of the Mississippi Valley type. Discussed by: Carroll, Lovering, Paige and Chas. Bates.

Samuel Zerfoss – Some observations concerning the mechanism of crystallization. Discussed by Johnston, Goldman, Lovering, Behre, Ingerson, Fahey, Yagoda, and Fleischer

Attendance 101

At 9:47 P.M. the meeting adjourned.

George T. Faust


655th meeting

November 17, 1947


The 655th meting of the Society was held in the Assembly Hall of the Cosmos Club, on Wednesday evening, November 17, 1947, at 8:00 P.M., President W. H. Woodring presiding.

The minutes of the 654th meeting were read and approved.

The following were elected to membership: Mr. Edwin Roedder, Dr. F. C. Kracek, Dr. M. L. Keith, Dr. J. S. Burlew.

The question of inviting the G.S.A. to meet in Washington in 1950 was placed on the Agenda for the Annual Meeting.

R. Richards read a memorial to George R. Mansfield.

Regular Program:

J. R. Balsley – Use of the air-borne magnetometer. Discussed by Burchard, Marble and Rubey.

C. S. Ross – Soil subsidence in Mexico City and its relation to failures of buildings. Discussed by Gonzalez, Johnston, Foshag, Hendricks and Richmond.

J. I. Tracey, Jr. – Surface and subsurface structures of the Bikini reef. Discussed by Woodring, Revelle, Vaughn, Bridge, Marble.

Dr. W. D. Johnston presented to the Society Dr. Ricardo Monges Lopez and Dr. Jenaro Gonzalez R. of the Instituto Geologico de Mexico and Dr. Reynaldo Saldanha de Gama, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Attendance 145

At 10:10 P.M. meeting adjourned.

[signed George T. Faust]



656th Meeting

November 26, 1947


The 656th meeting of the Society was held in the Assembly hall of the Cosmos Club, on Wednesday evening, November 26, 1947, at 8:00 P.M., President Woodring presiding.

The minutes of the 655 meeting were read and approved.

The secretary announced the election to membership of: Arnold L. Brokaw, U.S.G.S.; Mrs. Severine H. Britt, U.S.G.S.; Page E. Truesdale, U.S.G.S.; I. Gregory Sohn, U.S.G.S.; F. J. Flanagan, U.S.G.S.; A. T. Myers, U.S.G.S.; George Switzer, U.S.G.S.; James M. Schopf. U.S.G.S.; Gordon Lill, Navy Department; Dr. N. L. Bowen, Geophysical Laboratory.

The President announced that an Auditing Committee and tellers for counting the ballots had been appointed.

The following amendment to the Standing rules (second sentence of Article III - Dues) which had been proposed at the October 22 meeting was approved: Any member who is in arrears of dues for two years, after due notification, shall be removed from the list of members, but may be reinstated without formal application on payment of the dues in arrears.

The President welcomed Dr. Stanton to the meeting.

Regular program:

C. P. Ross – The Belt problem. Discussed by Woodring, Vaughan, Marble. Calkins. and Gallagher.

Josiah Bridge – Geology of the Palau Islands. Discussed by Meinzer, Ladd, Vaughan, Johnston, Eleanor Tatge, Rubey, Coates

T. Stadnichenko – Browsing through Russian literature on geology and allied sciences. Discussed by Williams, Rubey, Vaughan, Jean Hough, Marble.

Attendance 108

At 10:00 P.M. meeting adjourned.

[signed Medora H. Krieger]



657th Meeting


The 657th meeting of the Society, was held in the Assembly Hall of the Cosmos Club, Wednesday evening, December 10, 1947, at 8:00 P.M., President Woodring presiding.

The minutes of the 656th meeting were read and approved.

The Secretary announced the election to membership of Dr. Josue de Camargo Mendes, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil; Jack X. Combo, U.S.G.S.; Clifford N. Holmes, U.S.G.S.; Edward Cobb, U.S.G.S.

The President announced that last January he had appointed a committee consisting of T. B. Nolan, Marcus Goldman and Harry Ladd to select the two best papers presented before the Society during 1947. He then called on Mr. Nolan to present the prizes which were awarded as follows:

1st Prize, $25.00, for the best paper presented during the year went unanimously to C. E. Jacob.

2nd Prize, $10.00, Frank S. Simons.

The President read a letter from the Washington Loan and Trust Company announcing that $35.00 had again been sent to the Society by an anonymous donor for the two best papers presented during 1948.

The President then called on Vice-President Dane to take the Chair and the latter called on the President to deliver his address:

Presidential Address: Wendell P. Woodring – Central America, land bridge and sea lane.

Attendance 136

At 9:05 P.M. the meeting adjourned.

Medora H. Krieger



55th Annual Meeting

December 10, 1947

The 55th Annual meeting of the Society was called to order by President Woodring at 9:15 P.M., 84 members being present at the time.

The minutes of the 54th Annual meeting were read and approved.

The President asked for action on the proposed invitation to the Geological Society of America. After some discussion by the President and members, Mr. Bradley moved that the President be requested to extend an invitation to the Geological Society of America from the Geological Society of Washington, Petrologists' Club, Pick and Hammer, and Paleontological Society to hold its meeting in Washington, D. C. in 1950; that this invitation be in the hands of the G.S.A. Secretary in time for the Ottawa meeting of the Council, and that a request be made for action on this invitation at the Ottawa meeting, pointing out the crowded hotel conditions in Washington which made this action necessary. The motion was seconded by Rubey and unanimously passed.

The annual report of the Secretaries was read and approved.

The annual report of the Treasurer was presented. The Auditing Committee, composed of E. N. Goddard, Chairman, and R. E. Van Alstine, reported that the books of the Treasurer were correct. The reports of the Treasurer and the Auditing Committee were accepted and ordered filed. The Treasurer was commended for his long and excellent service.

The Society then proceeded to the election of officers for the year 1948 from the following nominations proposed by the Nominating Committee:

President: William W. Rubey

Vice Presidents (two to he elected): K. E. Lohman, Josiah Bridge, J. F. Schairer, J. S. Williams.

Secretary (one to be elected for two years): Donald Dow, Marie Siegrist.

Treasurer: Charlotte A. Marsh.

Members-at-Large of the Council (five to be elected): R. P. Bryson, E. C. Cabot, Helen Cannon, D. H. Dunkle, G. O. Gates, John Hack, A. R. Loeblich, Jr., L. L. Ray, R. J. Roberts, V. T. Stringfield.

Vice-President, Washington Academy of Sciences: W. W. Rubey.

Andrews moved that the nominations for President be closed and that the Secretary be requested to cast one ballot for W. W. Rubey for President. Motion carried unanimously.

The retiring President then called on the newly elected President to assume the Chair. In response to cries of speech from the floor, President Rubey said that he hoped the programs of the coming year would come up to the standards set during the previous years.

Tellers to count the ballots were Strobell, Chairman, McKelvey, Van Alstine, Eckstein, Butler, and Gordon. The President requested Pecora, Goddard, Insley, and Dill to collect the ballots.

It was moved by Andrews that nominations for Vice-President be closed. Motion carried and J. S. Williams and K. E. Lohman were elected.

It was moved by Woodring and seconded that the nominations for Secretary be closed and Donald Dow was elected..

The nominations for Treasurer were closed and Charlotte A. Marsh was unanimously elected.

T. A. Hendricks was nominated by W. D. Johnston and W. D. Johnston was nominated by T. A. Hendricks for member-at-large of the Council. There were no further nominations from the floor except for an attempt to nominate W. W. Rubey, and the following were elected: R. P. Bryson, E. C. Cabot, Helen Cannon, D. H. Dunkle, and G. O. Gates.

Andrews moved that the nominations for Vice-President of the Washington Academy of sciences be closed, in spite of the fact that he hated to have a precedent set which would allow a man to die in office. Motion carried in spite of the fact that Hendricks objected to a motion and requested a show of hands. W. W. Rubey was therefore unanimously nominated for Vice-President of the Washington Academy of Sciences.

A reading of a rough draft of the minutes was dispensed with. At 10:15 P.M. the meeting adjourned.

Medora H. Krieger
