GSW 1551: Indian fossil hunting, Volcanic CO2, & Funding Antarctic geoscience


Meeting Number 1551

John Wesley Powell Auditorium, Cosmos Club, 2170 Florida Ave NW Washington, DC

Wednesday, February 26, 2020; Refreshments 7:30 pm; Meeting 8:00 pm


ADVAIT JUKAR, Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History – Nineteenth century fossil hunting in the Indian Subcontinent.

JONATHAN TUCKER, Carnegie Institution of Science – The carbon footprint of oceanic volcanoes.

BEVERLY WALKER, National Science Foundation – Funding geoscience in Antarctica: the coldest, highest, driest, windiest continent on Earth.


Meeting flyer to print and post at your institution

Future Meetings 2020: March 11, 25; April 29; May 13; Sept 9, 23; Oct 7; Nov 4; Dec 2.

Know someone who would enjoy GSW? Consider inviting a colleague or friend to the meeting.

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