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List of
Best Papers
List of
Presidential Addresses

34 talks found:

(Click on mtg# for details and minutes)

Rec Mtg# Year Authors Institution Talk title
1 794 1959 Dean Samuel Carder US Coast and Geodetic Survey March 5-7, 1958 eruptions of Manam Volcano off the north coast of New Guinea
2 794 1959 Wallace Dewitt Jr.;
  George Willis Colton
USGS Stratigraphy of the Upper Devonian rocks in the Finger Lakes district of New York
3 794 1959 George Willis Colton USGS Sedimentary structures in some Upper Devonian rocks in western New York
4 795 1959 Martin Francis Kane USGS Gravity study of the Rowe-Mora Basin, New Mexico
5 795 1959 Eugene S. Simpson USGS A ground water mechanism for the deposition of glacial till
6 795 1959 Germaine. A. Joplin Australian The origin of calc-alkaline rocks
7 796 1959 Thomas C. Hoering;
  P. L. Parker
Geophysical Laboratory Abundance of chlorine isotopes in nature
8 796 1959 Robert Ballin Neuman USGS Sedimentation in the Ocoee Series, Great Smoky Mountains
9 796 1959 Stanislaw Dzulynski Polish geologist Evolution of the Carpathian Geosyncline during Oligocene
10 797 1959 W. Gary Ernst Geophysical Laboratory Glaucophane stability and the glaucophane schist problem (Best Paper 1959)
11 797 1959 E-an Zen USGS Mineral assemblages in slate in western Vermont
12 797 1959 John Calvin, Reed Jr.;
  Bruce H. Bryant
USGS Lower Cambrian and late Precambrian rocks in the Grandfather Mountain window, N.C. (2nd Best Paper 1959)
13 798 1959 Emilie Jäger Universität Bern? Age measurements on some Alpine and pre-Alpine micas
14 798 1959 William Back USGS Calcium carbonate saturation in ground water
15 798 1959 Helen Laura Foster USGS Mt. Fuji, Japan, and its deposits of volcanic ash
16 799 1959 Robert B. Guillou USGS Aereial radiological monitoring and surveying -- an important contribution to geology
17 799 1959 Paul Booth Barton Jr. USGS Distribution of some minor elements between coexisting sulfides
18 799 1959 Robert Sumner Sigafoos USGS Botanical evidence of floods and flood-plain deposition
19 800 1959 Hugh Dinsmore Miser USGS Our Society -- retrospect and prophecy
20 800 1959 Sydney P. Clark Jr. Geophysical Laboratory Estimates of temperature in the outer mantle
21 800 1959 T. C. Phemister Ontario Geological Survey? Nature of the contact of Temiskaming and Grenville geological provinces in northern Ontario
22 801 1959 Alan Embree Peckham USGS Preliminary investigations of underground waste disposal near Arco, Idaho
23 801 1959 Brian J. Skinner USGS System ZnS-MnS-FeS; effect of Mn on the sphalerite geothermometer
24 801 1959 Alonzo Wallace Quinn;
  William A. Oliver Jr.
Brown University Geology of the Narragansett Basin, Rhode Island and Massachusetts
25 802 1959 Harry Wynn Smedes USGS Structural interpretation of western Montana and northern Idaho
26 802 1959 Lyman Thomas Aldrich Department of Terrestrial Magnetism Mineral ages in the metamorphic rocks of Iron nand Dickinson Counties, Michigan
27 802 1959 Marian Ksiazkiewicz Polish geologist Sedimentation and tectonics in the Carpathians
28 803 1959 Allison Ralph Palmer USGS Early Upper Cambrian stratigraphy of the United States
29 803 1959 David Bentley Doan USGS Some eustatic sea levels of the western Pacific
30 803 1959 Harry Allison Tourtelot;
  L. G. Schultz;
  J. R. Gill
USGS Chemical and mineralogical compositions of the Pierre shale in South Dakota and adjacent states
31 804 1959 Donald Raymond Nichols;
  Lynn A. Yehle
USGS Mud volcanoes in the Copper River Basin, Alaska
32 804 1959 Alice D. Weeks USGS The role of diagenesis of sandstone-type uranium deposits
33 804 1959 Gordon Grigsby Lill Office of Naval Research The Moho deep drilling project
34 805 1959 Joseph W. Greig Geophysical Laboratory Development of phase equilibrium studies in the interest of petrology. (Presidential Address)

Joseph W. Greig was President in 1959
Charles Alfred Anderson was 1st VP in 1959
Louis C. Conant was 2nd VP in 1959
H. Weissenborn was Treasurer in 1959
John Thomas Dutro Jr. was Meeting Secy in 1959
Philip White Guild was Council Secy in 1959
Lyman Thomas Aldrich was on the Council in 1959
Charles Storrow Denny was on the Council in 1959
H. James was on the Council in 1959
J. E. Johnson was on the Council in 1959
R. C. Stephenson was on the Council in 1959
W. R. Thurston was on the Council in 1959
Carle Hamilton Dane was VP-WAS in 1959
Donald Edward White was Chair of the Program Committee in 1959
Kenneth Elmo Lohman was Chair of the Awards Committee in 1959
Edwin Thor McKnight was Chair of the Nominating Committee in 1959
Joshua Irving Tracey Jr. was Chair of the Sleeping Bear Committee in 1959
Joseph John Fahey was Chair of the Auditing Committee in 1959
W. Gary Ernst won the Best Paper Award in 1959
John Calvin, Reed Jr. won the 2nd best paper Award in 1959
Henry Faul won the Sleeping Bear Award in 1959
Joseph W. Greig was the Grand Inquisitor of 1959