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List of
Best Papers
List of
Presidential Addresses

38 talks found:

(Click on mtg# for details and minutes)

Rec Mtg# Year Authors Institution Talk title
1 953 1972 Gerhard William Leo USGS U. S. Geological Survey program in Turkey 1968-1970
2 953 1972 John Thomas Dutro Jr. USGS The Nansen Fault Zone and its significance in Arctic paleogeography
3 953 1972 Isidore Zietz;
  B. Carter Hearn Jr.;
  Michael W. Higgins;
  G. D. Robinson;
  Donald A. Swanson
USGS Interpretation of an aeromagnetic strip across the northwestern U. S.
4 954 1972 Robert Ballin Neuman USGS Paleontology of early Ordovician volcanic islands
5 954 1972 Roy A. Bailey;
  Jules D. Friedman;
  John Lewis
USGS 1971 eruption of Soufrière volcano, St. Vincent, West Indies
6 955 1972 Daniel Bernard Krinsley USGS Geoenvironmental maps: The cartographic expression of applied geology
7 955 1972 John S. Dickey Geophysical Laboratory The blind men and the ophiolite (Best Paper 1972)
8 955 1972 Charles Carter Johns Hopkins University Mio-Pliocene beach and tidal-flat sedimentation, southern New Jersey.
9 956 1972 Mary E. Mrose;
  George E. Ericksen;
  John Marinenko
USGS Crystal chemistry of the calcium iodates in the system Ca(IO3)2-H2O
10 956 1972 Andrew Graham National Museum of Natural History Dating the Moon
11 956 1972 Movie n/a Rise and Fall of the Great Lakes
12 957 1972 Thomas L. Wright;
  Maurice J. Grolier;
  Donald A. Swanson
USGS Chemical variation related to stratigraphy in the Columbia River basalt
13 957 1972 M. Clark Blake Jr. USGS Plate tectonics and high-pressure metamorphism in New Caledonia
14 957 1972 David Bentley Doan Earth Sciences Group, Inc. Evolution and flow characteristics of atoll channels in the Central Pacific
15 958 1972 William J. Sando USGS Precambrian Humbug
16 958 1972 David S. Harwood USGS Tectonic events in the west side of the Berkshire highlands, Massachusetts
17 958 1972 William August Fischer USGS Remote sensing from aircraft and spacecraft
18 959 1972 Walter C. Pitman III Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory Geomagnetic time scale, sea-floor spreading, and the closing of the Tethys
19 959 1972 William F. Cannon USGS Interaction of basement and sedimentary rocks during the Penokean Orogeny in Michigan (2nd Best Paper 1972)
20 959 1972 Philip White Guild USGS Metallogeny and the new global tectonics
21 960 1972 Dale F. Ritter Franklin and Marshall College Speculations concerning the competence of a modern river compared to its Pleistocene ancestor
22 960 1972 Donald M. Burt Geophysical Laboratory Geology of some skarn deposits in Peru
23 960 1972 Ellis Leon Yochelson Bowie, Maryland Politics and garbage geology
24 961 1972 W. Stuart McKerrow Oxford University Silurian paleogeography of the Caledonides and northern Appalachians in the light of plate tectonics
25 961 1972 Robert B. Finkelman USGS The association of manganese nodules and cosmic spherules.
26 961 1972 Patrick T. Taylor Naval Oceanographic OffIce Anatomy of a seamount
27 962 1972 John Dewey State University of New York, Albany When did plate tectonics start?
28 962 1972 Bryan Isachs Cornell University Recent studies of earthquakes and plate tectonics
29 963 1972 B. J. Hensen Geophysical Laboratory Divarient reactions involving cordierite and Garnet as pressure-temperature indicators
30 963 1972 John Gableman Atomic Energy Commission Metallotectonic evidence of continental drift
31 963 1972 Gordon H. Wood Jr. USGS Tectonics of the folded Appalachians of Pennsylvania as the reduced from the anthracite region
32 964 1972 W. R. Keefer USGS Structure and geologic history of Yellowstone National Park
33 964 1972 William Edward Davies USGS Geological and engineering aspects of the Buffalo Creek flood
34 964 1972 James F. Bailey USGS Hydrologic aspects of the Buffalo Creek flood
35 965 1972 James W. Head III Bell Laboratories Geological objectives of the Apollo 17 mission to the Taurus-Littrow region of the moon -- pre-mission prejudices
36 965 1972 John Pojeta Jr. USGS A new class of Paleozoic bivalve mollusks
37 965 1972 James E. Wilson American Association of Petroleum Geologists The road ahead in petroleum exploration -- where does it go?
38 966 1972 David Benjamin Stewart USGS A spontaneous Noah's Ark: The feldspars. (Presidential Address)

David Benjamin Stewart was President in 1972
Edwin Roedder was 1st VP in 1972
L. Hoover was 2nd VP in 1972
Margaret Appleman was Treasurer in 1972
Peter B. Stifel was Meeting Secy in 1972
John Stephen Huebner was Council Secy in 1972
A. S. Allen was on the Council in 1972
John W. Allingham was on the Council in 1972
Raymond Charles Douglas was on the Council in 1972
Lawrence W. Finger was on the Council in 1972
W. Hemphill was on the Council in 1972
Odette B. James was on the Council in 1972
Charles Milton was VP-WAS in 1972
Norman L. Hatch was Chair of the Program Committee in 1972
David S. Harwood was Chair of the Awards Committee in 1972
Frank C. Whitmore Jr. was Chair of the Nominating Committee in 1972
Blair F. Jones was Chair of the Sleeping Bear Committee in 1972
Malcolm Ross was Chair of the Finance Committee in 1972
R. Christian was Chair of the Auditing Committee in 1972
Daniel E. Appleman was Chair of the Public srvc Committee in 1972
John S. Dickey won the Best Paper Award in 1972
William F. Cannon won the 2nd best paper Award in 1972
Mary E. Mrose won the Great Dane Award in 1972
Douglas W. Rankin won the Sleeping Bear Award in 1972
George R. Helz was the Grand Inquisitor of 1972