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List of
Best Papers
List of
Presidential Addresses

43 talks found:

(Click on mtg# for details and minutes)

Rec Mtg# Year Authors Institution Talk title
1 1117 1984 Kenneth A. Goettel Geophysical Laboratory Present constraints on the bulk composition of Mars
2 1117 1984 Henry W. Roehler USGS, Denver The Pintail coal bed: an example of a barrier plain coal in the Late Cretaceous Almond Formation, Rock Springs Coal Fields, Wyoming
3 1117 1984 Mark E. Gettings USGS A model for mantle dynamics of the Red Sea-Arabian Plate system
4 1118 1984 Rosalind T. Helz USGS Diverse olivine populations in lavas of the 1959 eruption of Kilauea volcano, Hawaii, and their significance
5 1118 1984 Timothy Rowe National Museum of Natural History Effects of classification on biologic history
6 1118 1984 Elaine Podovani National Science Foundation Hot rocks from Nature's oven: arrested textures from the lower crust
7 1119 1984 John F. Slack USGS Stratiform tourmalinites in metamorphic terranes and their geologic significance
8 1119 1984 David P. Russ USGS Cooperative seismological research in China
9 1119 1984 Richard L. Phipps USGS Tree-growth response to acid rain
10 1120 1984 William Campbell USGS,Tacoma A new look at sea ice on space ship Earth
11 1120 1984 Douglas Morton USGS Debris and mudflows in southern California
12 1120 1984 Charles Mankin Oklahoma Geological Survey Energy policy issues -- an Oklahoma perspective
13 1121 1984 Lucy McCartan;
  Virginia Gonzales
USGS Evidence for a proto-Susquehanna River in southern Maryland
14 1121 1984 Kent Colbath National Museum of Natural History Composition and fossilization of Polychaeta jaws
15 1121 1984 Dean Presnall University of Texas, Dallas Analytical and experimental uncertainties and the problem of the composition and depth of origin of primary mid-ocean ridge basalts
16 1122 1984 Patricia J. Loferski;
  Bruce R. Lipin
USGS Exsolution in chromite from Red Lodge, Montana
17 1122 1984 Alta Walker USGS Deserts in China
18 1122 1984 Richard W. Henley New Zealand Department of Scientific and Industrial Research Plate collision hot springs - Analogues for Archean gold veins (Best Paper 1984)
19 1123 1984 Richard D. Krushensky USGS Puerto Rico: A translated terrane exotic to the Caribbean
20 1123 1984 Douglas Rumble III Geophysical Laboratory Graphite vein deposits
21 1123 1984 Frederic R. Siegel George Washington University Suspended mineral matter in Appalachian geochemical prospecting
22 1124 1984 Anne, J. Hofmeister;
  H.-K. Mao Xu;
  T. C. Hoering
Geophysical Laboratory Amazonite -- a spectroscopic study of radiative coloring in feldspar
23 1124 1984 Jeff Wynn USGS Self-potential -- an old geophysical tool used in a new application -- archaeological mapping in Maryland
24 1124 1984 Karen J. Wenrich USGS, Denver Uranium-silver mineralization of breccia pipes in Arizona
25 1125 1984 Nancy Hardin USGS Western Gulf of Mexico continental slope -- geology, hazards and processes
26 1125 1984 Thomas M. Cronon USGS Evolution and climatic change
27 1125 1984 Thomas O. Wright National Science Foundation Deformation structures in the Meguma terrane, Nova Scotia
28 1126 1984 Andrew Gize Geophysical Laboratory A tale of two bitumens
29 1126 1984 Thomas L. Holzer USGS, Menlo Park Historical surface faulting in the Houston subsidence area
30 1126 1984 Margaret T. Mangan;
  Thomas L. Wright
USGS Lessons from the Bsalter: regional flow correlation in the Grande Ronde basalt as a key to understanding the construction of a flood basalt plateau
31 1127 1984 Anita G. Harris;
  James F. Tull;
  John E. Repetski
USGS Tectonic implications of early Paleozoic conodonts from the Talladega slate belt, Alabama
32 1127 1984 Gerald L. Feder USGS The quality of natural waters and human health and disease
33 1127 1984 Lucy E. Edwards USGS Graphic correlation using various kinds of data
34 1128 1984 Kay Behrensmeyer National Museum of Natural History Bones as sedimentary particles
35 1128 1984 Howard A. Pohn USGS Disturbed zones, lateral ramps, and the structure of the central Appalachians
36 1128 1984 Virginia Carter;
  Pamela C. Peebles;
  Gerald H. Johnson
USGS The hydrogeology of the transition zone of the Great Dismal Swamp, Virginia-North Carolina
37 1129 1984 Robert E. Criss USGS Fossil hydrothermal systems in Idaho (2nd Best Paper 1984)
38 1129 1984 Don Anderson California Institute of Technology Magnetic susceptibility of coal and coal constituents
39 1129 1984 Glenn J. MacPherson;
  Julie Paque;
  Edward Stolper;
  Lawrence Grossman
National Museum of Natural History Probing the Early solar system: an application of experimental petrology to meteorite studies
40 1130 1984 Melvyn H. Podwysocki USGS The Landsat thematic mapper scanner -- a new tool for mapping hydrothermally altered potentially mineralized rocks
41 1130 1984 Declan De Paor Johns Hopkins University The incorporation of strain data in structural sections
42 1130 1984 David J. Anastasio;
  Frederick Diegel
Johns Hopkins University Developments in thrust mapping
43 1131 1984 Kenneth M. Towe National Museum of Natural History Oxygen and early life (Presidential Address)

Kenneth M. Towe was President in 1984
Norman L. Hatch was 1st VP in 1984
George R. Helz was 2nd VP in 1984
J. Nicholas Van Driel was Treasurer in 1984
Kathleen Krafft was Meeting Secy in 1984
Thomas O. Wright was Council Secy in 1984
Joseph G. Arth was on the Council in 1984
Robert Ayuso was on the Council in 1984
Philip Martin Bethke was on the Council in 1984
John E. Repetski was on the Council in 1984
Tom Simkin was on the Council in 1984
Frederick O. Simon was on the Council in 1984
Penelope M. Hanshaw was Chair of the Program Committee in 1984
Margaret Appleman was Chair of the Awards Committee in 1984
Frederick O. Simon was Chair of the Membership Committee in 1984
Daniel E. Appleman was Chair of the Nominating Committee in 1984
John Thomas Dutro Jr. was Chair of the Sleeping Bear Committee in 1984
Philip Martin Bethke was Chair of the Finance Committee in 1984
Bruce R. Lipin was Chair of the Auditing Committee in 1984
Lawrence A. Hardie was Chair of the Public srvc Committee in 1984
Richard W. Henley won the Best Paper Award in 1984
Robert E. Criss won the 2nd best paper Award in 1984
Malcolm Ross won the Great Dane Award in 1984
E-an Zen won the Sleeping Bear Award in 1984
E-an Zen was the Grand Inquisitor of 1984