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List of
Best Papers
List of
Presidential Addresses

37 talks found:

(Click on mtg# for details and minutes)

Rec Mtg# Year Authors Institution Talk title
1 1207 1991 Robert F. Fudali National Museum of Natural History My summers on the South Polar Plateau: an overview of the U.S. Antarctic Meteorite Program
2 1207 1991 Rosalind T. Helz USGS What happens when mushes move? Observations from Kilauea Iki lava lake
3 1207 1991 Ted A. Maxwell National Air and Space Museum The surface of Venus: a report on Magellan's new views
4 1208 1991 George R. Helz;
  Caroline Mignerey;
  Alice Mignerey
University of Maryland Accelerators and aquifers: dating the ground water of Maryland's coastal plain
5 1208 1991 Jeff Ryan Department of Terrestrial Magnetism Boron and beryllium in Kurile arc lavas, or, how melts are made in a convergent margin
6 1208 1991 E-an Zen University of Maryland Magma genesis of the Pioneer Batholith: a modeler tamed by reality
7 1209 1991 Patricia J. Loferski USGS Evidence for liquid immiscibility in the Stillwater Complex from melt inclusions in plagioclase
8 1209 1991 Daniel E. Appleman National Museum of Natural History James Dwight Dana, geologist volcanologist, and mineralogist (Best Paper 1991)
9 1209 1991 Thomas S. Ahlbrandt USGS Sand seas of the midcontinent: their chronology and implications for desertification
10 1210 1991 Howard Tasker Evans Jr. USGS Crystal chemical studies of iodate minerals in the evaporite deposits of northern Chile
11 1210 1991 Dan Miller American Heritage Foundation The Anaconda Collection: 90 years of geological, geophysical, and geochemical data and how you can gain access
12 1210 1991 Robert R. Seal USGS A fluid inclusion perspective on oxygen isotope exchange between quartz and water, and some geologic applications
13 1211 1991 Lynn Walter University of Michigan Syndepositional dissolution and recrystallization of modern carbonates: Adventures in Club Mud
14 1211 1991 W. C. Shanks USGS Alvin dives, black smokers, and sea-floor massive sulfide deposits
15 1211 1991 Gordon Brown Stanford University Mineral surfaces and interfaces, the next frontier in geochemistry
16 1212 1991 Lawrence Drew USGS Quantitative mineral resource assessment: Why we do it and how
17 1212 1991 Paul Weiblen University of Minnesota A new kimberlite(?) occurrence in the old gneiss terrane of Minnesota
18 1212 1991 Robert Park University of Maryland/Americal Physical Society Do politicians ever listen to scientists?
19 1213 1991 Douglas E. Crowe USGS Laser microprobe stable isotope analysis: Applications to geology
20 1213 1991 John V. Badding Geophysical Laboratory High pressure crystal chemistry of iron hydride: Implications for the Earth's core
21 1213 1991 Hal J. Gluskoter USGS Coal: Past, present, and future (?)
22 1214 1991 Scott L. Wing National Museum of Natural History Global warming and terrestrial vegetation in the early Eocene
23 1214 1991 Harry J. Dowsett USGS Paleoclimatic reconstruction of the Pliocene North Atlantic region
24 1214 1991 Alan Robock University of Maryland Climate change in the next century: sun bathing at Point Barrow in 2050?
25 1215 1991 David Grandstaff Temple University Nuclear waste disposal: A comparison between granite, tuff and basalt
26 1215 1991 Frank Ireton Americal Geophysical Union Volcano Speleology of the Snake River Plain
27 1215 1991 Walter Stewart National Institute of Health The Baltimore Case
28 1216 1991 J. Nathalie Valette-Silver;
  Paul G. Silver
Department of Terrestrial Magnetism What is the relationship between the behavior of geysers and the occurrence of large earthquakes?
29 1216 1991 Robert W. Ridky University of Maryland Did subglacial melting cause massive flooding in the Finger Lakes region: Evidence from glacial land forms
30 1216 1991 Gabriele J. Paone US Department of Interior Proposed new ethics rules for Federal employees and their effect on professional societies such as G.S.W.
31 1217 1991 Brenda Bohlke Parsons Brinkerhoff Engineering geology of the world's largest tunnel for sewage effluent, Boston Harbor
32 1217 1991 James F. Luhr National Museum of Natural History Experimental plagioclase-glass equilibria and estimation of magmatic water contents
33 1217 1991 Stewart Eldridge Australian National University A SHRIMP's eyeview of diamonds and the mantle (2nd Best Paper 1991)
34 1218 1991 J. K. Bohlke USGS Halogens and noble gases in fluid inclusions: indicators of fluid sources and reactions in the Earth's crust
35 1218 1991 Arlin J. Krueger NASA The dispersion of the Mt. Pinatubo plume
36 1218 1991 Elaine S. McGee USGS The combined effects of acid precipitation and urban pollution on the Washington monuments
37 1219 1991 Paul Booth Barton Jr. USGS Mineral textures: New frontiers in old territory. (Presidential Address)

Paul Booth Barton Jr. was President in 1991
John Stephen Huebner was 1st VP in 1991
Phillip A. Candela was 2nd VP in 1991
Frederick O. Simon was Treasurer in 1991
Jane Marie Hammarstrom was Meeting Secy in 1991
Bruce R. Wardlaw was Council Secy in 1991
Michael Brown was on the Council in 1991
Jeffrey N. Grossman was on the Council in 1991
Elizabeth Koozmin was on the Council in 1991
Ian D. MacGregor was on the Council in 1991
Leslie F. Ruppert was on the Council in 1991
Priestley Toulmin III was on the Council in 1991
Bruce R. Lipin was Chair of the Program Committee in 1991
George R. Helz was Chair of the Awards Committee in 1991
Kathy Krohn was Chair of the Membership Committee in 1991
Dennis Krohn was Chair of the Membership Committee in 1991
Douglas W. Rankin was Chair of the Nominating Committee in 1991
Daniel E. Appleman was Chair of the Sleeping Bear Committee in 1991
John Stephen Huebner was Chair of the Finance Committee in 1991
Richard P. Tollo was Chair of the Auditing Committee in 1991
J. Nicholas Van Driel was Chair of the Auditing Committee in 1991
Judith Ehlen was Chair of the Public srvc Committee in 1991
Daniel E. Appleman won the Best Paper Award in 1991
Stewart Eldridge won the 2nd best paper Award in 1991
Robert B. Finkelman won the Great Dane Award in 1991
Brenda Bohlke won the Sleeping Bear Award in 1991
George R. Helz was the Grand Inquisitor of 1991
E-an Zen was the Grand Inquisitor of 1991