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List of
Best Papers
List of
Presidential Addresses

37 talks found:

(Click on mtg# for details and minutes)

Rec Mtg# Year Authors Institution Talk title
1 1259 1995 Martin Fisk National Science Foundation/Oregon State University Microbial alteration of mid-ocean ridge basalt glass
2 1259 1995 Sally Newcomb Prince Georges Community College Contributions of chemical experimentalists to geology in the late 18th century
3 1259 1995 Douglas Rumble III Geophysical Laboratory Ultra-low d18O values from ultra-high pressure coesite-bearing and diamondiferous eclogites, east central China
4 1260 1995 Martitia Tuttle University of Maryland/Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory Evidence of prehistoric earthquakes in the New Madrid seismic zone, central United States
5 1260 1995 Dorothy Tepper USGS, Ithaca, NY Aquifer dewatering and subsidence caused by partial collapse of the Retsof salt mine, west central New York
6 1260 1995 Alan Brandon Department of Terrestrial Magnetism Rates of granitoid magma transport derived from epidote dissolution kinetics
7 1261 1995 Peter Buseck Arizona State University/National Science Foundation Geological fullerenes
8 1261 1995 David Applegate Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources Mesozoic extension in the Death Valley region of California
9 1261 1995 Mark A. Fahnestock NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Satellite-based research on the Greenland ice sheet
10 1262 1995 Douglas H. Erwin National Museum of Natural History Life and death at the end of the Permian,” or, “the Mother of Mass Extinctions
11 1262 1995 David Houseknecht USGS, Reston The 1995 USGS assessment of oil and gas resources
12 1262 1995 Thomas Meisel University of Maryland Isotopic study of the K-T boundary: a test for impact versus volcanic hypotheses
13 1263 1995 Clark Johnson University of Wisconsin/Department of Terestrial Magnetism Dating detrital mineral grains and origins of supermature sandstones
14 1263 1995 Larry Puckett USGS Non-point and point sources of nutrients in watersheds: A national perspective
15 1263 1995 Jennifer Blank Geophysical Laboratory Constraints on the degassing and fragmentation histories of erupted magmas from measurements of water in pumice glasses
16 1264 1995 Robert W. Ridky;
  Christopher Keane
University of Maryland The joint education initiative: An academic-agency-professional partnership bringing real earth science data into our nation’s classrooms
17 1264 1995 Malcolm Ross Science and Environmental Policy Project A school room asbestos abatement program: A public policy debacle
18 1264 1995 Susan Keddie Science Applications International Corporation Large volcanoes on Venus
19 1265 1995 Rodney Feldmann Kent State University Paleogeography of fossil crabs from high southern latitudes (2nd Best Paper 1995)
20 1265 1995 Anne Thompson NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Tropical ozone pollution from biomass burning
21 1265 1995 Michael P. Ryan USGS, Reston Basaltic foams: development, structure, stability, and significance
22 1266 1995 Pete Palmer Institute for Cambrian Studies The early Paleozoic isolation of Laurentia
23 1266 1995 Gordon P. Eaton USGS What’s happening to geological surveys around the world
24 1266 1995 Paul Renne Berkeley Geochronology Center Synchronism and causal relations between the Permo-Triassic boundary crisis and Siberian flood volcanism at 250.0 Ma
25 1267 1995 Suzanne D. Weedman USGS Miocene subaerial exposure in Southern Florida
26 1267 1995 Carl G. Bock Washington Metro System Observations on bedrock structure along Metro lines
27 1267 1995 Thomas M. Cronon;
  Gary S. Dwyer
USGS/Duke University Impact of Climate Change on Deep-Sea Environments
28 1268 1995 Richard J. Walker University of Maryland Heterogeneous sources for granitic rocks, Black Hills, South Dakota: Do granites really serve as interpretable crustal probes?
29 1268 1995 Richard L. Stanton University of New England, Australia Understanding massive sulfide ores
30 1268 1995 Dan Walker National Research Council The North Carolina low-level radioactive waste project: A view from the trenches
31 1269 1995 Judy Hannah National Science Foundation Fluid evolution in the Mount Emmons porphyry molybdenum system, Colorado: From molybdenum stockwork to base-metal veins (Best Paper 1995)
32 1269 1995 Jeff Williams USGS Geologic controls on the Quaternary development of the Mississippi River deltaic plain, south-central Louisiana
33 1269 1995 George Cody Geophysical Laboratory Soft X-Ray microanalysis applied to organic geochemistry
34 1270 1995 Christopher G. Maples National Science Foundation Significance of fossil echinoderms from northwest China
35 1270 1995 Charles Guidotti University of Wisconsis/University of Maine Compressibility measurements in the muscovite-paragonite crystalline solution: Some thermodynamic, petrologic and geologic implications
36 1270 1995 John E. Repetski USGS Life, death, and posterity in the Ames Crater, an Ordovician impact structure in Oklahoma
37 1271 1995 Peter B. Stifel University of Maryland Gastropods!!! (Presidential Address)

Peter B. Stifel was President in 1995
George R. Helz was 1st VP in 1995
Steven B. Shirey was 2nd VP in 1995
Margo Kingston was Treasurer in 1995
Jeffrey N. Grossman was Meeting Secy in 1995
Cyril J. Galvin was Council Secy in 1995
J. K. Bohlke was on the Council in 1995
William C. Burton was on the Council in 1995
Marcus Milling was on the Council in 1995
Michael P. Ryan was on the Council in 1995
Holly Stein was on the Council in 1995
Richard J. Walker was on the Council in 1995
R. Brooks Hanson was Chair of the Program Committee in 1995
Craig Schiffries was Chair of the Program Committee in 1995
Judith Ehlen was Chair of the Awards Committee in 1995
Suzanne D. Weedman was Chair of the Membership Committee in 1995
Douglas Rumble III was Chair of the Nominating Committee in 1995
Eirik J. Krogstad was Chair of the Sleeping Bear Committee in 1995
George R. Helz was Chair of the Finance Committee in 1995
Malcolm Ross was Chair of the Auditing Committee in 1995
William C. Burton was Chair of the Public srvc Committee in 1995
John Jens was Chair of the Public srvc Committee in 1995
Judy Hannah won the Best Paper Award in 1995
Rodney Feldmann won the 2nd best paper Award in 1995
Timothy William Stanton won the Great Dane Award in 1995
Ellis Leon Yochelson won the Great Dane Award in 1995
Jeffrey N. Grossman won the Sleeping Bear Award in 1995
E-an Zen was the Grand Inquisitor of 1995