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List of
Best Papers
List of
Presidential Addresses

34 talks found:

(Click on mtg# for details and minutes)

Rec Mtg# Year Authors Institution Talk title
1 1272 1996 P. Patrick Leahy USGS New program directions in the Geologic Division of the U.S. Geological Survey
2 1272 1996 Holly Stein USGS Re-Os and molybdenite: new tools, new interpretations
3 1272 1996 Eirik J. Krogstad University of Maryland The development of thermochronometers for tectonic study
4 1273 1996 Rhea L. Graham US Bureau of Mines Using geology as a model for dynamic change
5 1273 1996 Peter F. Folger Geological Society of America Congressional Science Fellow Radon-222 variation in a fractured crystalline rock aquifer and impacts to indoor air: an example from Colorado
6 1273 1996 Charles D. Cunningham USGS Age and thermal history of Cerro Rico de Pososi, Bolivia: the world's largest silver deposit
7 1274 1996 Sean Smith Maryland Department of Natural Resources Changes in the hydraulic characteristics of a relocated stream channel
8 1274 1996 Mark McBride Groundwater Metrics, Silver Spring, Md. My short career as a geo-journalist, and some lessons from it
9 1274 1996 Miriam Baltuck NASA Synthetic aperture radar applications in natural disaster reduction
10 1275 1996 John C. Lassiter Department of Terrestrial Magnetism How do flood basalts form? Geologic and chemical evidence from the Wrangellia Terrane of North America (2nd Best Paper 1996)
11 1275 1996 William S. Logan George Washington University Late Quaternary sea level changes through the eyes of a coastal plain aquifer
12 1275 1996 Christopher G. Newhall USGS Old man lahar - he just keeps on flowing: An update from Pinatubo Volcano, Philippines (Best Paper 1996)
13 1276 1996 Michael J. Kunk USGS, Reston The timing of intrusive igneous activity and K-feldspar cementation in Mesozoic basins of eastern North America
14 1276 1996 John Farrell Joint Oceanographic Institutions, Inc. Glacial-interglacial changes in nutrient utilization in the Pacific Ocean
15 1276 1996 Steve Bohlen USGS, Reston The role of mineral reactions in continental dynamics
16 1277 1996 Barbara Anne am Ende Consultant, Gaithersburg The use of glauconite for environmental and dating studies: An example from the modern sea floor
17 1277 1996 Warren W. Wood USGS Ground water and the coastal sabkhas of Abu Dhabi: An alternative model for dolomitization
18 1277 1996 Shaun K. Frappe University of Waterloo, Ontario Uses of stable chlorine isotopes in tracing the origin and migration of saline waters in sedimentary and crystalline environments
19 1278 1996 Glenn J. MacPherson National Museum of Natural History Unraveling the first few million years of Solar System history
20 1278 1996 Stephen J. Schaefer NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Remote measurement of sulfur dioxide from volcanic eruptions: Lessons from Nevada del Ruiz and Rabaul volcanoes
21 1278 1996 Michael P. Ryan USGS Double-porosity hydrothermal convection systems
22 1279 1996 Reto Gieré Geophysical Laboratory/Universitët Basel Metamorphism of tourmaline-rich metapelites from the Swiss Central Alps
23 1279 1996 Ron Litwin USGS, Reston Middle to Late Pleistocene climate change in the southwestern United States: Owens Lake, California
24 1279 1996 Paul Newman NASA Goddard Space Flight Center The Antarctic ozone hole
25 1280 1996 Christopher M. Fedo George Washington University Paleoclimate control on the composition of an early Proterozoic arkose: Harbinger of continental glaciation.
26 1280 1996 Sonia Esperanca National Science Foundation Volcanism in southern Italy.
27 1280 1996 Allen M. Shapiro USGS Hydrologic detectives: The case of the unexplained aquifer test and other mysteries of fractured crystalline rock.
28 1281 1996 Janet S. Herman University of Virginia Factors influencing the transport of bacteria in a sandy Coastal Plain aquifer.
29 1281 1996 Ellis Leon Yochelson National Museum of Natural History James Smithson (1765-1829): Geologist and philanthropist.
30 1281 1996 Benjamin A. Morgan USGS Debris flows and flood effects of the June 1995 storm in Madison County, Virginia.
31 1282 1996 Steven M. Stanley Johns Hopkins University On the cause of the modern Ice Age.
32 1282 1996 Rama K. Kotra USGS Life on Mars: An examination of the recent meteorite evidence.
33 1282 1996 Robert M. Hirsch USGS Water resources management issues of the future: The role of the USGS.
34 1283 1996 George R. Helz University of Maryland Molybdenum, black shales, and modern coastal anoxia. (Presidential Address)

George R. Helz was President in 1996
Bruce R. Lipin was 1st VP in 1996
Jane Marie Hammarstrom was 2nd VP in 1996
Kevin D. Crowley was Treasurer in 1996
Ian D. MacGregor was Meeting Secy in 1996
Jeffrey N. Grossman was Council Secy in 1996
J. K. Bohlke was on the Council in 1996
D. Kuentz was on the Council in 1996
Allison MacFarlane was on the Council in 1996
J. Alexander Speer was on the Council in 1996
Holly Stein was on the Council in 1996
Richard J. Walker was on the Council in 1996
Mary Jo Baedecker was Chair of the Program Committee in 1996
John F. Slack was Chair of the Program Committee in 1996
Dallas Lynn Peck was Chair of the Awards Committee in 1996
Suzanne D. Weedman was Chair of the Membership Committee in 1996
Dallas Lynn Peck was Chair of the Nominating Committee in 1996
appointed, not was Chair of the Sleeping Bear Committee in 1996
Bruce R. Lipin was Chair of the Finance Committee in 1996
Phillip A. Candela was Chair of the Auditing Committee in 1996
William C. Burton was Chair of the Public srvc Committee in 1996
John Jens was Chair of the Public srvc Committee in 1996
Christopher G. Newhall won the Best Paper Award in 1996
John C. Lassiter won the 2nd best paper Award in 1996
E-an Zen won the Great Dane Award in 1996
George R. Helz won the Sleeping Bear Award in 1996
E-an Zen was the Grand Inquisitor of 1996