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List of
Best Papers
List of
Presidential Addresses

31 talks found:

(Click on mtg# for details and minutes)

Rec Mtg# Year Authors Institution Talk title
1 1384 2005 Robert M. Hazen Geophysical Laboratory Hat Yoder’s last research: Rocks and the geochemical origins of life
2 1384 2005 Dean Presnall Geophysical Laboratory Carbonate-rich melts in the oceanic low-velocity zone and deep mantle
3 1384 2005 Marilyn Fogel Geophysical Laboratory Paleobiochemistry and a renewed search for extraterrestrial life
4 1385 2005 Peter R. Wilcock Johns Hopkins University Artificial Floods in the Grand Canyon: are they working?
5 1385 2005 David Lindley Author The Old Man and the Earth: Lord Kelvin's views on our planet's age
6 1385 2005 F. Michael Flaser NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Exploring the Saturn system with infrared eyes
7 1386 2005 Hans Dieter Sues National Museum of Natural History Dinosaurs in Tamerlane's backyard: Cretaceous vertebrates from Uzbekistan
8 1386 2005 Jennifer Lynn Eigenbrode Geophysical Laboratory The Late Archean rise of aerobic microbial ecosystems
9 1386 2005 Benjamin F. Chao NASA Goddard Space Flight Center How do earthquakes affect Earth's rotation?
10 1387 2005 Robert I. Tilling USGS, Menlo Park Confronting volcanic hazards: Are we making progress?
11 1387 2005 Jana L. D. Davis Americal Geophysical Union congressional fellow From diel to glacial variability in the rocky intertidal environment: a fish learns to cope
12 1387 2005 Peter J. Heaney Pennsylvania State University Tiger’s-eye and pietersite: fraternal gems with disparate ancestries
13 1388 2005 Michael P. Ryan USGS Fluid compartmentalization in Mesozoic rift zones
14 1388 2005 Gerald A. Meehl National Center for Atmospheric Research Global warming--any conclusions?
15 1388 2005 Linda O. Mearns National Center for Atmospheric Research Use of regional climate models in impacts assessments
16 1389 2005 Robert J. Tracy Virginia Polytechnic Institute Constraining the ages of shearing events in metamorphic terranes using chemical dating of monazite porphyroclasts
17 1389 2005 Harry F. Lins USGS Rundown on runoff: trends in the Nation's rivers
18 1389 2005 Jonathan M. Castro National Museum of Natural History Linkages between degassing and crystallization in rhyolite magmas
19 1390 2005 Gene Hunt National Museum of Natural History Body size evolution on a cooling planet: a case study from the deep sea.
20 1390 2005 Alan Cutler Author Nicolaus Steno and the science of the Earth's past.
21 1390 2005 Walter Cruikshank Minerals Management Service The role of the Outer Continental Shelf in the Nation's energy picture.
22 1391 2005 Marcia K. McNutt Monterey Bay Aquarium Submarine canyons: new insights on marine geology's oldest problem
23 1391 2005 Greg van der Vink EarthScope EarthScope - progress and opportunities
24 1391 2005 Donald F. Boesch University of Maryland Katrina, science and the Louisiana coast: dispelling myths and finding solutions (Best Paper 2005)
25 1392 2005 Lucy A. McFadden University of Maryland NASA’s Deep Impact Mission-First look inside comet Tempel 1 (2nd Best Paper 2005)
26 1392 2005 Ralph J. Cicerone National Academy of Sciences An update on global climate change
27 1392 2005 Connie Bertka AAAS Intelligent Design – poor science, poor theology, great public appeal: how to respond to the perfect storm?
28 1393 2005 Kevin Marvel American Astronomical Society Using masers to study stellar outflows, or, how very large round rocks are made by old windbag stars
29 1393 2005 Elizabeth Cottrell Geophysical Laboratory Constraints on core formation in a global magma ocean
30 1393 2005 Tom Drake Office of Naval Research EuroSTRATAFORM: International collaborative research on continental shelf processes in the Mediterranean Sea
31 1394 2005 R. Brooks Hanson Science Magazine Unscientific publishing: Top ten reasons to worry about the future of scientific publishing (Presidential Address)

R. Brooks Hanson was President in 2005
Richard J. Walker was 1st VP in 2005
William F. McDonough was 2nd VP in 2005
Jeffrey N. Grossman was Past President in 2005
Harvey Belkin was Treasurer in 2005
Christopher S. Swezey was Meeting Secy in 2005
Linda Rowan was Council Secy in 2005
Mary Jo Baedecker was on the Council in 2005
Sean Brennan was on the Council in 2005
Hal J. Gluskoter was on the Council in 2005
Jay Kaufman was on the Council in 2005
Timothy Mock was on the Council in 2005
Jeff Ryan was on the Council in 2005
Peter F. Folger was Chair of the Program Committee in 2005
Craig Schiffries was Chair of the Awards Committee in 2005
Sandra Neuzil was Chair of the Membership Committee in 2005
Jay Kaufman was Chair of the Nominating Committee in 2005
Jane Marie Hammarstrom was Chair of the Sleeping Bear Committee in 2005
Jeffrey N. Grossman was Chair of the Finance Committee in 2005
Peter T. Lyttle was Chair of the Auditing Committee in 2005
Sandra Neuzil was Chair of the Auditing Committee in 2005
Gordon L. Nord Jr. was Chair of the Public srvc Committee in 2005
Donald F. Boesch won the Best Paper Award in 2005
Lucy A. McFadden won the 2nd best paper Award in 2005
Richard S. Fiske won the Great Dane Award in 2005
Christopher S. Swezey won the Sleeping Bear Award in 2005
R. Brooks Hanson was the Grand Inquisitor of 2005