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List of
Best Papers
List of
Presidential Addresses

26 talks found:

(Click on mtg# for details and minutes)

Rec Mtg# Year Authors Institution Talk title
1 1438 2010 Robert D. Tucker USGS A reconsideration of the Precambrian shield in Madagascar
2 1438 2010 E. Calvin Alexander Jr. University of Minnesota Plum Bottom sinkhole and the Log Den (WI) Norovirus outbreak
3 1438 2010 Chris Seagle National Museum of Natural History/Geophysical Laboratory Chemical Interactions at the Core-Mantle Boundary
4 1439 2010 Michael Brown University of Maryland The geological record of crustal metamorphism and the geodynamic implications
5 1439 2010 Dina M. Bower Geophysical Laboratory Investigations of the nature and provenance of mineral and carbonaceous material in fossiliferous cherts: Revisiting the 1.9 Ga Gunflint Formation
6 1439 2010 Mathieu Touboul University of Maryland The age of the Moon and lifetime of the lunar magma ocean: New constraints from Hf-W chronometry
7 1440 2010 Yoshi Tatsumi Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology Fate of the anti-continent
8 1440 2010 George R. Helz;
  Marvourneen K. Dolor;
  William F. McDonough
University of Maryland Whence Chesapeake Bay's Anthropocene chalcophile element enrichments?
9 1440 2010 Richard D. Fritz American Association of Petroleum Geologists The Arbuckle Group: Understanding a great American carbonate bank reservoir
10 1441 2010 Gidday Woldegabriel Los Alamos National Laboratory Human origins in the midst of chaos: Evidence from the Ethiopian Rift system
11 1441 2010 Ray Bernor Howard University/NSF Ardipithecus: geologic and paleontologic contexts
12 1441 2010 Jay Matternes Artist, naturalist Fleshing out Ardi
13 1442 2010 Bruce Molnia USGS/Duke University Investigating and monitoring the glaciers of Afghanistan (2nd Best Paper 2010)
14 1442 2010 Deborah Smith National Science Foundation The Galapagos plate revealed
15 1442 2010 Wayne Pennington US Agency for International Development Seismological aspects of the Haiti earthquake: What we knew, what we know now, and what we can do to improve
16 1443 2010 Robert M. Hazen Geophysical Laboratory Mineralogical co-evolution of the geosphere and biosphere
17 1444 2010 Reinhard Boehler Geophysical Laboratory The temperature in the Earth - Experimental and geophysical constraints
18 1444 2010 Kateryna Klotchko Geophysical Laboratory Boron isotope ocean pH proxy history: fundamentals, frustrations and the future…
19 1444 2010 Nicholas D. Pyenson National Museum of Natural History Return to the sea: the fossil record of marine tetrapods and their multiple evolutionary origins (Best Paper 2010)
20 1445 2010 Ben Bussey Applied Physics Laboratory The lunar poles: An ideal site for human exploration?
21 1445 2010 Anat Shahar Geophysical Laboratory Isotope fractionation during planetary differentiation
22 1445 2010 Cara Santelli National Museum of Natural History Biomineralization – Applications to the remediation of metal contaminated environments
23 1446 2010 Glenn Gaetani Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Phase equilibrium constraints on the depth of crystallization beneath the rift zones of Iceland: An experimental study of the Borgarhraun lava
24 1446 2010 Greg Vaughan USGS Taking the temperature of Yellowstone from space
25 1446 2010 Naomi Levine Johns Hopkins University Hippos, giraffes and reconstructing paleoaridity in East Africa
26 1447 2010 Jay Kaufman University of Maryland The co-evolution of life and environment (Presidential Address)

Jay Kaufman was President in 2010
Linda Rowan was 1st VP in 2010
Leslie F. Ruppert was 2nd VP in 2010
William C. Burton was Past President in 2010
Odette B. James was Treasurer in 2010
Christopher Bernhardt was Meeting Secy in 2010
Callan Bentley was Council Secy in 2010
Edith Allison was on the Council in 2010
Harvey Belkin was on the Council in 2010
Colin Doolan was on the Council in 2010
J. Wright Horton was on the Council in 2010
Linda C. S. Gundersen was on the Council in 2010
Charna Meth was on the Council in 2010
Elizabeth Cottrell was Chair of the Program Committee in 2010
Madalyn Blondes was Chair of the Program Committee in 2010
George R. Helz was Chair of the Awards Committee in 2010
Sandra Neuzil was Chair of the Membership Committee in 2010
Callan Bentley was Chair of the Nominating Committee in 2010
Richard J. Walker was Chair of the Sleeping Bear Committee in 2010
William C. Burton was Chair of the Finance Committee in 2010
Frederick O. Simon was Chair of the Auditing Committee in 2010
Charna Meth was Chair of the Public srvc Committee in 2010
Nicholas D. Pyenson won the Best Paper Award in 2010
Bruce Molnia won the 2nd best paper Award in 2010
Elizabeth Cottrell won the Great Dane Award in 2010
Richard Wunderman won the Great Dane Award in 2010
Elizabeth Cottrell won the Sleeping Bear Award in 2010
R. Brooks Hanson was the Grand Inquisitor of 2010