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List of
Best Papers
List of
Presidential Addresses

26 talks found:

(Click on mtg# for details and minutes)

Rec Mtg# Year Authors Institution Talk title
1 1448 2011 David Shelly USGS Tremor, slow slip, and earthquakes: interacting modes of fault slip
2 1448 2011 Jonathan O'Neil Department of Terrestrial Magnetism A glimpse of Earth’s primitive crust: the Nuvuaggittuq greenstone belt as a vestige of mafic Hadean crust.
3 1448 2011 Larry Meinert AAAS GSA/USGS Congressional Science Fellow Geology and wine - the science of good taste
4 1449 2011 Wenlu Zhu Radford University Microtomography of partially molten mantle peridotite: 3-dimensional melt distribution
5 1449 2011 Elizabeth Johnson James Madison University Making a mantle out of Mole Hill: Petrologic and geochemical clues to what lies beneath the Shenandoah Valley, VA
6 1449 2011 John C. Brock USGS Coastal science applications of an airborne research LIDAR
7 1450 2011 Scott L. Wing National Museum of Natural History A Deep Time perturbation of carbon cycle and climate with Implications for the future
8 1450 2011 Bill DiMichele National Museum of Natural History The response of tropical vegetation to the onset of an ice age at the Pennsylvanian-Permian boundary
9 1450 2011 Matt Carrano National Museum of Natural History Dinosaur diversity and the Mesozoic fossil record
10 1451 2011 Alicia Karspeck National Center for Atmospheric Research Reconstructions of historic sea surface temperatures
11 1451 2011 Chuck Rice Kansas State University Soils and climate
12 1451 2011 Christopher Herd University of Alberta Organic matter in the Tagish Lake meteorite (2nd Best Paper 2011)
13 1452 2011 David Walker Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory What Could Make the Core Leak?
14 1453 2011 Robert Burruss USGS Isotope reversals and rollovers: the last gasp of shale gas?
15 1453 2011 Sandra Neuzil USGS Intrigue, alchemy, and reality of oil shale resources
16 1453 2011 Peter Warwick USGS Geologic carbon dioxide sequestration and enhanced oil recovery
17 1454 2011 Tobias Fischer University of New Mexico Messengers from depth: volcanoes and the carbon cycle
18 1454 2011 Diana Roman Department of Terrestrial Magnetism The secret life of 'quiescent' volcanoes
19 1454 2011 Benjamin Andrews National Museum of Natural History Laboratory insights into pyroclastic flow dynamics (Best Paper 2011)
20 1455 2011 Brent Grocholski National Museum of Natural History The surprising appearance of highly unstable silica in Martian meteorites
21 1455 2011 Lindy Elkins-Tanton Department of Terrestrial Magnetism The Siberian flood basalts and the end-Permian extinction: coincidence or causality?
22 1455 2011 Andrew Cyr USGS, Menlo Park Alluvial fan records of climatically driven hillslope erosion rates, Providence Mountains, eastern Mojave Desert, California
23 1456 2011 Roger Brissenden Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics The Chandra X-ray Observatory: observing the high energy universe
24 1456 2011 Ryan Gold USGS Temporal variations in fault slip rate in the northern Walker Lane - implications for seismic hazard
25 1456 2011 William Burgos Pennsylvania State University Linking surface hydrodynamics to subsurface geochemistry
26 1457 2011 Linda Rowan American Geological Institute Geosciences to the rescue: informing policy to benefit society and planet Earth (Presidential Address)

Linda Rowan was President in 2011
Christopher S. Swezey was 1st VP in 2011
Michael Brown was 2nd VP in 2011
Jay Kaufman was Past President in 2011
Odette B. James was Treasurer in 2011
Michelle Arsenault was Meeting Secy in 2011
Christopher Bernhardt was Council Secy in 2011
Nick Geboy was on the Council in 2011
Margaret Coleman was on the Council in 2011
Ester Sztein was on the Council in 2011
Colin Doolan was on the Council in 2011
Harvey Belkin was on the Council in 2011
Edith Allison was on the Council in 2011
Elizabeth Cottrell was Chair of the Program Committee in 2011
Daniel H. Doctor was Chair of the Awards Committee in 2011
Sandra Neuzil was Chair of the Membership Committee in 2011
Richard J. Walker was Chair of the Nominating Committee in 2011
Mark McBride was Chair of the Sleeping Bear Committee in 2011
Jay Kaufman was Chair of the Finance Committee in 2011
Elizabeth Cottrell was Chair of the Auditing Committee in 2011
Charna Meth was Chair of the Public srvc Committee in 2011
Benjamin Andrews won the Best Paper Award in 2011
Christopher Herd won the 2nd best paper Award in 2011
David Applegate won the Great Dane Award in 2011
Dale (infant) Stevenson won the Sleeping Bear Award in 2011
Linda Rowan was the Grand Inquisitor of 2011