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List of
Best Papers
List of
Presidential Addresses

29 talks found:

(Click on mtg# for details and minutes)

Rec Mtg# Year Authors Institution Talk title
1 1468 2013 Stephanie Devlin Nuclear Regulatory Commission The U.S. NRC's actions following the M5.8 Virginia Earthquake on August 23, 2011 & analysis of strong motion recordings from the North Anna NPP
2 1468 2013 Wendy J. Harrison Colorado School of Mines Rediscovering our roots: Undergraduate field education in Scotland
3 1468 2013 Marcia K. McNutt USGS Coastal Hazards: How can science help
4 1469 2013 Fred Davis Smithsonian Institution First-row transition elements and the petrogenesis of oceanic island basalts
5 1469 2013 Denise M. Akob USGS Linking Mn(II)-oxidizing bacteria to natural attenuation at a former U mining site
6 1469 2013 Nancy A. Price University of MaineĀ  Using exhumed faults as tools to investigate deformation at the base of the seismogenic zone
7 1470 2013 Joel Moore Towson University Ca isotopes as a tool to understand the relationship between mountain uplift, silicate weathering, and long-term CO2 consumption
8 1470 2013 Shawn Domagal-Goldman NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Lessons from Earth's deep past for future exoplanet observations
9 1470 2013 Andrew J. Miller University of Maryland, Baltimore The engineered geomorphology of urban landscapes and transformation of the hydrologic cycle
10 1471 2013 John V. Loperfido USGS High-frequency sensing of water quality in Clear Creek, IA
11 1471 2013 Heather Graham Pennsylvania State University Building a Forest from the leaves: molecular and isotopic methods for reconstructing forest structure of the past
12 1471 2013 Jeremy Bellucci University of Notre Dame Isotopically Fingerprinting the World's First Nuclear Weapon Using Post Detonation Materials
13 1472 2013 Thomas M. Cronin USGS Climate Challenges: climate change in the Arctic and Sea-level rise
14 1473 2013 Nora Noffke Old Dominion University The microbial ecosystem of the 3.5 Ga Dresser Formation, Pilbara, Australia
15 1473 2013 Christina Riesselman University of Otago, New Zealand Antarctica and the onset of Late Pliocene global cooling: A biogeochemical perspective from Ross Sea sediments
16 1473 2013 Marco Tedesco City College of New York Darker, wetter and faster: Evidence and analysis of recent records over the Greenland ice sheet
17 1474 2013 Wendy Kelly Virginia Department of Mines, Minerals and Energy Geothermal Resources for the Eastern United States
18 1474 2013 Douglas Hollett U.S. Department of Energy Between Hot Rocks and Hard Places
19 1474 2013 Elizabeth Eide National Research Council Induced Seismicity Potential in Energy Technologies
20 1475 2013 Amrika Deonarine USGS Morphology, composition, and trace element leaching from US coal fly ash
21 1475 2013 Siddiq Kalaly USGS Remote Sensing Analysis of a Selected Wetland in Ghazni Province, Afghanistan
22 1475 2013 Jeff Plescia Johns Hopkins University Lunar Archeology, the Search for Ancient Space Vehicles (2nd Best Paper 2013)
23 1476 2013 Terrence J. Blackburn Carnegie Institution Zircon U-Pb Geochronology Links the End-Triassic Extinction with the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province
24 1476 2013 David L. Leach University of Western Australia The Link between Tectonics and Continental Margin Brine Factories: A New Perspective on the Distribution of Clastic-Dominated (SEDEX) Zn-Pb-Ag (zinc-lead
25 1476 2013 Christopher Glein Carnegie Institution Introducing a New Kind of Geochemistry: Cryogenic Fluvial Geochemistry on Titan (Best Paper 2013)
26 1477 2013 Andrew Frassetto IRIS The Unusual Lithosphere Beneath the Sierra Nevada, results from the first major Earthscope seismic deployment
27 1477 2013 Clinton Scott USGS The Biogeochemistry of Precambrian Black Shales
28 1477 2013 Bryn Kimball Queen's University New age techniques applied to the age-old problem of metallic mine waste
29 1478 2013 Robert Burruss USGS Beyond the fog of fracking: Physical geochemistry of unconventional petroleum systems (Presidential Address)

Robert Burruss was President in 2013
Timothy Mock was 1st VP in 2013
Nora Noffke was 2nd VP in 2013
Christopher S. Swezey was Past President in 2013
Odette B. James was Treasurer in 2013
Margaret Coleman was Meeting Secy in 2013
Colin Doolan was Council Secy in 2013
Michael Purucker was on the Council in 2013
Sarah Penniston-Dorland was on the Council in 2013
Wilson Bonner was on the Council in 2013
Daniel H. Doctor was on the Council in 2013
Cara Santelli was on the Council in 2013
Stephanie Devlin was on the Council in 2013
Bryn Kimball was Chair of the Program Committee in 2013
Hal J. Gluskoter was Chair of the Awards Committee in 2013
Nick Geboy was Chair of the Membership Committee in 2013
Sandra Neuzil was Chair of the Nominating Committee in 2013
(secret) was Chair of the Sleeping Bear Committee in 2013
Christopher S. Swezey was Chair of the Finance Committee in 2013
Carl-Henry Geschwind was Chair of the Auditing Committee in 2013
Charna Meth was Chair of the Public srvc Committee in 2013
Christopher Glein won the Best Paper Award in 2013
Jeff Plescia won the 2nd best paper Award in 2013
William C. Burton won the Great Dane Award in 2013
No one won the Sleeping Bear Award in 2013
Carl-Henry Geschwind was the Grand Inquisitor of 2013