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List of
Best Papers
List of
Presidential Addresses

32 talks found:

(Click on mtg# for details and minutes)

Rec Mtg# Year Authors Institution Talk title
1 1561 2021 Jessica M. Warren Univeristy of Deleware Global Oceanic Transform Faults: The Link Between Fluid Flow and Seismic Behavior
2 1561 2021 Ellen Knappe University of California, San Diego; Scripps Oceanographic Institute The Capability of GPS to Measure Watershed Hydrology
3 1561 2021 Kira Olsen NASA Goddard Space Flight Center/University of Maryland; Howard Universit Icequakes on Enceladus: Investigation into Tidally Modulated Seismicity at Icy Rifts using an Antarctic Analog
4 1562 2021 Michelle Muth University of Oregon The Origin of Sulfur in Volcanic Arcs
5 1562 2021 Yan Zhan EPL, Carnegie Science An Instant Pot Model for Volcanic Degassing
6 1562 2021 Kyle Anderson USGS Geophysical Insights from the World's Best-Documented Caldera Collapse: Kilauea Volcano, 2018
7 1563 2021 Maxwell Rudolph University of California, Davis Viscosity and Large-Scale Structure in Earth's Mantle
8 1563 2021 Karianne Bergen Brown University Advancing Solid Earth Geoscience with Machine Learning
9 1563 2021 Doyeon Kim University of Maryland Searching for Anomalous Waveforms from the Core-Mantle Boundary Region of the Pacific
10 1564 2021 Seulgi Moon University of California, Los Angeles Present-Day Stress Field Influences Bedrock Fracture Openness Deep into the Subsurface
11 1564 2021 Daniella Rempe University of Texas, Austin The Hidden Role of Bedrock Fracturs in Regulating Water and Carbon Cycling
12 1564 2021 Margaret Zimmer University of California, Santa Cruz Does Aspect Matter? Assessment of Hillslope Structure and Hydrology in Lithologically Complex Landscapes
13 1565 2021 Cara Santelli University of Minnesota First We Should Consider Manoomin: Decentering Western Science Through Collaborative Tribal-University Research on Wild Rice (2nd Best Paper 2021)
14 1565 2021 Jasquelin Pena University of California, Davis Fate of Bioavailable Carbon Sources in the Presence of Manganese Oxides
15 1565 2021 Minming Cui Johns Hopkins University Trace Element Speciation as a Paleo-Redox Proxy
16 1566 2021 Alexander Handwerger Jet Propulsion Laboratory; California Institute of Technology Detecting Landslides from Space: Rain or Shine, Night or Day
17 1566 2021 Samuel Manzello National Institute of Standards and Technology The Need to Better Understand Firebrand Processes During Large Outdoor Fires
18 1566 2021 Danica Roth Colorado School of Mines New Perspectives on Wildfire and Geomorphic Hazards
19 1567 2021 Peter Gao University of California, Santa Cruz Super-Earths, Water Worlds, mini-Neptunes, oh My!
20 1567 2021 Sarah Moran Johns Hopkins University The Chemistry of Super-Earth and Sub-Neptune Hazes from Laboratory Experiments
21 1567 2021 David Kipping Columbia University The Search for Exomoons
22 1568 2021 Peter Valley USGS Geologic Mapping in the Eastern Adirondack Mountains: A Complex Tale of Iron Ore and Rare Earth Element Mineralization
23 1568 2021 Will Odom USGS Dating Plio-Pleistocene Aggradation and Incision in Earthern North America with Cosmogenic Nuclides
24 1568 2021 Mojhgan Haghnegahdar University of Maryland Using 13CH3D & 12CH2D2 Clumped Isotopes for a Better Understanding of Atmospheric Methane Sources and Sinks
25 1569 2021 Paul Betka George Mason University Late Cenozoic Tectonic and Deltaic Interactions within the IndoBurman Subduction Zone
26 1569 2021 Valerie Finlayson University of Maryland Siderophile Anomalies in the Easter Plume: Source or Process?
27 1569 2021 Francesca Miozzi Carnegie Institution An Experimental Approach to the Study of Carbon Rich Exoplanets
28 1570 2021 Johanna Teske Carnegie Institution Holistic Characterization of Small Plates with the Magellan-TESS Survey
29 1570 2021 James W. Dottin III University of Maryland; Carnegie Institution Isotropic Constraints on the Lunar Sulfur Cycle
30 1570 2021 Courtney Wagner National Museum of Natural History Navigating through Environmental Disasters with Magnetofossils (Best Paper 2021)
31 1571 2021 Terry Plank Columbia University At the Speed of Volcanic Eruptions
32 1572 2021 Elizabeth Cottrell National Museum of Natural History From Acrtic Volcanoes to Furnaces: The Generation of Earth's Crust (Presidential Address)

Elizabeth Cottrell was President in 2021
Larry Meinert was 1st VP in 2021
Kori Newman was 2nd VP in 2021
Ester Sztein was Past President in 2021
Carl-Henry Geschwind was Treasurer in 2021
Beth Doyle was Meeting Secy in 2021
Patrick Carr was Council Secy in 2021
Julia Nord was on the Council in 2021
Bill Craddock was on the Council in 2021
Pranoti Asher was on the Council in 2021
Ryan Haupt was on the Council in 2021
George R. Helz was on the Council in 2021
Yasmina Martos was on the Council in 2021
Mong-Han Huang was Chair of the Program Committee in 2021
Vedran; Tracy, Sally June Lekic was Chair of the Awards Committee in 2021
Erik Hankin was Chair of the Membership Committee in 2021
Ester Sztein was Chair of the Nominating Committee in 2021
Emma Bullock was Chair of the Sleeping Bear Committee in 2021
Ester Sztein was Chair of the Finance Committee in 2021
Mark Fuhrmann was Chair of the Auditing Committee in 2021
Kori Newman was Chair of the Public srvc Committee in 2021
Daniel H. Doctor was Chair of the Field trips Committee in 2021
Courtney L. Wagner won the Best Paper Award in 2021
Cara Santelli won the 2nd best paper Award in 2021
Michael R. Ackerson won the Great Dane Award in 2021
Karianne J. Bergen won the Sleeping Bear Award in 2021
Mong-Han; Cottrell, Elizabeth Huang was the Grand Inquisitor of 2021