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List of
Presidential Addresses

26 talks found:

(Click on mtg# for details and minutes)

Rec Mtg# Year Authors Institution Talk title
1 268 1913 John Beaver Mertie Jr. USGS Igneous rocks of Raton Mesa region
2 295 1915 John Beaver Mertie Jr. USGS The copper and gold deposits of the Kotsina-Kuskulana District, Alaska
3 327 1918 John Beaver Mertie Jr. USGS Repeated stream piracy and other physiographic anomalies in theTolovana District, Alaska
4 343 1920 John Beaver Mertie Jr. USGS The Salt Chuck palladium mine, near Kasaan, Alaska
5 346 1920 John Beaver Mertie Jr. USGS The Salt Chuck palladium mine near Kasaan, Alaska
6 404 1925 John Beaver Mertie Jr. USGS The Paleozoic geology of the interior Alaska
7 417 1926 John Beaver Mertie Jr. USGS Stratigraphy of the upper Yukon Valley
8 451 1929 John Beaver Mertie Jr. USGS The pre-Cambrian sequence of Alaska and Yukon Territory with particular reference to the Pelly Gneiss
9 462 1930 John Beaver Mertie Jr. USGS Mountain-building in Alaska
10 498 1933 John Beaver Mertie Jr. USGS Selected problems of the geology of the Yukon-Tanana region, Alaska
11 543 1936 John Beaver Mertie Jr. USGS Glacial features of the Nushagak district, Alaska
12 564 1938 John Beaver Mertie Jr. USGS Platinum placers of the Good News Bay district, Alaska
13 575 1939 John Beaver Mertie Jr. USGS Structural measurements in parallel folds
14 579 1939 John Beaver Mertie Jr. USGS Placer gold in Alaska. (Presidential Address)
15 604 1942 John Beaver Mertie Jr.;
  Robert Roy Coats
USGS Tin deposits of Seward Peninsula, Alaska
16 612 1943 John Beaver Mertie Jr. USGS Structural determinations from diamond drilling
17 618 1944 John Beaver Mertie Jr. USGS Piezoelectricity, with special reference to quartz
18 631 1945 John Beaver Mertie Jr. USGS A review -- atomic energy for military purposes by Henry D. Smyth
19 673 1949 John Beaver Mertie Jr. USGS Charting 5,6, and 7 variables on the boundaries of hypertetrahedra
20 695 1951 John Beaver Mertie Jr. USGS Monazite deposits of the southeastern Atlantic states
21 708 1952 John Beaver Mertie Jr. USGS New discoveries of monazite in southeastern states
22 733 1954 John Beaver Mertie Jr. USGS Classification, delineation and measurement of nonparallel folds
23 744 1955 John Beaver Mertie Jr. USGS Geologic evaluation of the intrinsic ages of granitic rocks
24 756 1956 John Beaver Mertie Jr. USGS The recognition of paragneiss with examples in Virginia
25 812 1960 John Beaver Mertie Jr. USGS Analytic classification and quadriplanar charting of analyses with nine or more components
26 835 1962 John Beaver Mertie Jr. USGS Platinum metals of the Goodnews Bay district, Alaska

John Beaver Mertie Jr. was Chair of the Auditing Committee in 1923
John Beaver Mertie Jr. was Chair of the Auditing Committee in 1924
John Beaver Mertie Jr. was on the Council in 1928
John Beaver Mertie Jr. was on the Council in 1929
John Beaver Mertie Jr. was on the Council in 1931
John Beaver Mertie Jr. was President in 1939
John Beaver Mertie Jr. was VP-WAS in 1940
John Beaver Mertie Jr. was Chair of the Nominating Committee in 1943
John Beaver Mertie Jr. was Chair of the Nominating Committee in 1952