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Presidential Addresses

Meeting 934
Cosmos Club, Fla Ave, Powell Auditorium

Wednesday, April 29, 1970

Frank C. Whitmore Jr., President          Daniel E. Appleman, Meeting Secretary

N. LampirisUSGS—Paleoenvironments of the Bloomsburg age rocks (397-402 million, BC), Virginia and West Virginia.

William Edward DaviesUSGS—Engineering geology of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal (1828-1851, AD), Maryland.

Donald A. SwansonUSGS—Resume of the four east rift eruptions at Kilauea volcano (August 1968 to March 1970, AD), Hawaii.

MovieUSGS—The 1969-1970 east rift eruption: the first eight months.

Attendance: 125
Meeting Secretary's Minutes

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