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List of
Best Papers
List of
Presidential Addresses

38 talks found:

(Click on mtg# for details and minutes)

Rec Mtg# Year Authors Institution Talk title
1 927 1970 Odette B. James USGS Petrology of unshocked igneous and metamorphic lunar rocks.
2 927 1970 Stephen E. Haggerty Geophysical Laboratory A reflection microscopy examination of the Apollo 11 lunar material.
3 927 1970 Edward C. T. Chao;
  J. A. Minkin;
  J. A. Boreman
USGS Shock features, glasses, and a new mineral from the Apollo 11 samples
4 928 1970 Joshua Irving Tracey Jr. USGS Stratigraphic section across the central equatorial Pacific: Leg 8, Glomar Challenger.
5 928 1970 Donal R. Mullineaux USGS, Denver Volcanic hazards at Mt. Rainier, Washington, and Lassen Peak, California. (2nd Best Paper 1970)
6 928 1970 Markley Gordon Wolman Johns Hopkins University Erosional processes in a small drainage basin in the Maryland piedmont.
7 929 1970 Cyril J. Galvin Coastal Engineering Research Center Barrier island offset at inlets
8 929 1970 J. W. Pierce National Museum of Natural History Evolution of barrier islands
9 929 1970 Robert L. Mairs Naval Oceanographic OffIce Oceanographic and sedimentologic interpretation of Apollo IX space photography
10 930 1970 Kenneth N. Weaver Maryland Geological Survey The Maryland Survey: progress, problems and prophecy
11 930 1970 Emery T. Cleaves Maryland Geological Survey Geochemical balance of a small watershed
12 930 1970 Harry J. Hansen Maryland Geological Survey Subsurface stratigraphy of the Maryland Coastal Plain: a basis for the "zoning" approach to ground water management
13 930 1970 William P. Crowley Maryland Geological Survey Crystalline rocks around Baltimore: new interpretation in a class region
14 931 1970 Tomas Feininger National Museum of Natural History Chemical weathering and glacial erosion of crystalline rocks and the origin of till. (Best Paper 1970)
15 931 1970 Elizabeth R. King;
  Isidore Zietz
USGS The midcontinent gravity high; Keweenawan tectonics and a possible ancestral global rift system
16 931 1970 George Rabchevsky Allied Research Associates, Inc. Terrestrial features observed by the NIMBUS meteorological satellite
17 932 1970 Hans-Ulrich Schmincke Ruhr Universitët Bochum Composite and mixed lava and pyroclastic flows on Gran Canaria, Canary Islands
18 932 1970 James W. Head III Bellcomm, Inc. Scientific objectives of the Apollo 13 lunar landing mission
19 932 1970 Kazuaki Nakamura University of Tokyo Surface faulting, landslide, and the Matsushiro swarm earthquake
20 933 1970 A. A. Socolow Pennsylvania Geological Survey The Pennsylvania Survey: A program of geology serving people
21 933 1970 Donald M. Hoskins Pennsylvania Geological Survey Structural features of the Valley and Ridge Province
22 933 1970 S. I. Root Pennsylvania Geological Survey Tectonics along the Great Valley
23 933 1970 W. D. Sevon Pennsylvania Geological Survey New geologic concepts for northeastern Pennsylvania
24 934 1970 N. Lampiris USGS Paleoenvironments of the Bloomsburg age rocks (397-402 million, BC), Virginia and West Virginia
25 934 1970 William Edward Davies USGS Engineering geology of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal (1828-1851, AD), Maryland
26 934 1970 Donald A. Swanson USGS Resume of the four east rift eruptions at Kilauea volcano (August 1968 to March 1970, AD), Hawaii
27 934 1970 Movie USGS The 1969-1970 east rift eruption: the first eight months
28 935 1970 R. A. Bartlett Florida State University Hayden and Dawes; Hague and Vest--geologists and politicians in the Yellowstone National Park
29 936 1970 Sherman K. Neuschel USGS Correlation of uranium, thorium, and potassium with aeroradioactivity over a high thorium pluton in the Berea area, Salem Church Quadrangle, Commonwealth
30 936 1970 Martin Francis Kane USGS Gravity studies in New England
31 936 1970 Isidore Zietz;
  Gordon E. Andreasen;
  J. C. Cain
USGS Magnetic anomalies from satellite magnetometer
32 937 1970 R. B. Southard Civil Technologies & Engineering associate Program
33 937 1970 M. M. Thompson Civil Technologies & Engineering associate Technique
34 937 1970 M. B. Scher Coordinator for federal mapping Coordination
35 938 1970 Douglas Smith Geophysical Laboratory Conversion of sedimentary rock to granophyre at Sierra Ancha, Arizona: one end member example of granite-forming processes
36 938 1970 Richard H. Benson National Museum of Natural History Deep-sea ostracodes and the death of the Tethys ocean
37 938 1970 Michael D. Ramsey Coastal Engineering Research Center Sand size distribution along and across three New Jersey beaches
38 939 1970 Frank C. Whitmore Jr. USGS/US National Museum The whale! (Presidential Address)

Frank C. Whitmore Jr. was President in 1970
Eugene H. Roseboom was 1st VP in 1970
William G. Melson was 2nd VP in 1970
W. B. Wright was Treasurer in 1970
Daniel E. Appleman was Meeting Secy in 1970
W. D. Carter was Council Secy in 1970
W. Cochran was on the Council in 1970
R. C. Lindholm was on the Council in 1970
J. F. Mello was on the Council in 1970
Dallas Lynn Peck was on the Council in 1970
Douglas W. Rankin was on the Council in 1970
J. B. Rucker was on the Council in 1970
Ralph LeRoy Miller was VP-WAS in 1970
Ellis Leon Yochelson was Chair of the Program Committee in 1970
Gilbert Corwin was Chair of the Awards Committee in 1970
Lucian B. Platt was Chair of the Nominating Committee in 1970
E-an Zen was Chair of the Sleeping Bear Committee in 1970
Malcolm Ross was Chair of the Finance Committee in 1970
George Vincent Cohee was Chair of the Auditing Committee in 1970
P. Keller was Chair of the Public srvc Committee in 1970
Tomas Feininger won the Best Paper Award in 1970
Donal R. Mullineaux won the 2nd best paper Award in 1970
C. E. Brown won the Great Dane Award in 1970
Ellis Leon Yochelson won the Sleeping Bear Award in 1970
E-an Zen was the Grand Inquisitor of 1970