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Presidential Addresses

14 talks found:

(Click on mtg# for details and minutes)

Rec Mtg# Year Authors Institution Talk title
1 175 1906 William Clinton Alden USGS The glaciation of certain quartzite ledges of southeastern Wisconsin and boulder trains derived therefrom
2 202 1908 William Clinton Alden USGS Pleistocene phenomena of Central Massachusetts
3 214 1909 William Clinton Alden USGS Pleistocene phenomena of southeastern Wisconsin
4 266 1913 William Clinton Alden USGS Pre-Wisconsin drift in the region of the Glacier National Park, Montana
5 310 1916 William Clinton Alden USGS The Iowan stage of glaciation
6 330 1919 William Clinton Alden USGS Gilbert, the glaciologist
7 376 1922 William Clinton Alden USGS The physiographic development of the northern Great Plains. (Presidential Address)
8 401 1925 William Clinton Alden USGS Glaciation and physiography of Wind River Mountains, Wyoming
9 412 1926 William Clinton Alden USGS The Gros Ventre landslide of June, 1925
10 428 1927 William Clinton Alden USGS Certain Pliocene and Pleistocene features of Yellowstone Park and its environs
11 434 1928 William Clinton Alden USGS a) The Gros Ventre (Wyoming) flood of 1927. b) Recent shrinkage of the Sperry Glacier of Glacier Park
12 459 1930 William Clinton Alden USGS Columbia River terraces and their significance
13 603 1942 William Clinton Alden USGS Cirques, hanging valleys and high-level benches of Glacier National Park
14 606 1942 William Clinton Alden USGS Some aspects of the geology of Glacier National Park

William Clinton Alden was Chair of the Auditing Committee in 1909
William Clinton Alden was on the Council in 1911
William Clinton Alden was Chair of the Program Committee in 1911
William Clinton Alden was on the Council in 1912
William Clinton Alden was Chair of the Program Committee in 1912
William Clinton Alden was on the Council in 1913
William Clinton Alden was 2nd VP in 1915
William Clinton Alden was 2nd VP in 1920
William Clinton Alden was President in 1922
William Clinton Alden was VP-WAS in 1923
William Clinton Alden was Chair of the Nominating Committee in 1928