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List of
Best Papers
List of
Presidential Addresses

36 talks found:

(Click on mtg# for details and minutes)

Rec Mtg# Year Authors Institution Talk title
1 967 1973 Jack B. Epstein USGS Take a look at my cleavage—Rated X (Everything you always wanted to know about cleavage but were afraid to ask)
2 967 1973 Francis R. Boyd Jr. Geophysical Laboratory The pyroxene geotherm
3 967 1973 George W. Fisher Johns Hopkins University The northwestern Piedmont, as seen from a Carroll County cornfield.
4 968 1973 Kenneth J. Englund USGS Geology and availability of low-sulfur coal in the Appalachian Basin
5 968 1973 John M. Bird Cornell University Plate tectonics—Northern Appalachians
6 969 1973 Jarvis Bardwell Hadley USGS Earthquakes and tectonics in the eastern United States
7 969 1973 William G. Melson National Museum of Natural History Geology and archeology, Tell Gemmeh, Israel
8 969 1973 David R. Wones;
  Fred Barker
USGS Some recent observations on the petrology of the Pikes Peak Batholith, Colorado
9 970 1973 Francis A. Kohout USGS Sinkholes, blue holes, and submarine springs on the Florida-Bahamas platform
10 970 1973 Robert Leland Smith Pennsylvania State University Geochemistry of Triassic diabases in southeastern Pennsylvania
11 970 1973 Erle G. Kauffman National Museum of Natural History Structure and evolution of the Caribbean Rudist frameworks
12 971 1973 T. Neil Irvine Geophysical Laboratory Duke Island ultramafic complex, Alaska
13 971 1973 Juergen Reinhardt Johns Hopkins University Sedimentary structures from the alluvial fan--Tidal Flat complex along northwestern Gulf of California
14 971 1973 Roy A. Bailey USGS Post-subsidence volcanism and structure of the Long Valley Caldera, California
15 972 1973 Fred Pessl Jr. USGS Earth resources information for land use planning
16 972 1973 Martin G. Seitz Geophysical Laboratory Particle tracks as versatile tools in geochemistry
17 972 1973 Eugene Corley Robertson USGS Variations of the eruptions of Old Faithful geyser, Yellowstone National Park
18 973 1973 William J. Hinze Purdue University Origin of late Precambrian rifts
19 973 1973 Peter R. Vogt Naval Research Laboratory Effect of mantle plumes on the ocean crust
20 973 1973 Meyer Rubin;
  Elliott Spiker
USGS 14C activity as an indicator of source of dissolved organic carbon in rivers
21 974 1973 Marland P. Billings Harvard University Source of sediments in the Appalachian geosyncline in northern New England
22 974 1973 Sandra H. B. Clark USGS Sedimentary and tectonic history of the western Chugach Mountains, south-central Alaska
23 974 1973 Lawrence D. Rowan USGS Analysis of ERTS images of Nevada and southern California.
24 975 1973 David Elliott Johns Hopkins University The motion of thrust sheets
25 975 1973 Zalman Samuel Altschuler;
  Joseph E. Hazel;
  Druid Wilson;
  C. S. Zen
USGS Environmental geology of Dade County, Florida --A RALI study of the different stripe
26 975 1973 Edwin Roedder USGS Silicate liquid immiscibility: examples from lunar and terrestrial rocks (2nd Best Paper 1973)
27 976 1973 Kenneth M. Towe National Museum of Natural History Did the trilobites have calcified eyes? (Best Paper 1973)
28 976 1973 George E. Ericksen;
  John F. McCauley;
  Maurice J. Grolier
USGS Quaternary uplift and desert modification of the Peruvian coastal platform
29 976 1973 Maurice J. Grolier;
  John F. McCauley
USGS Aeolian geology of Mars -- evidence from Peru
30 977 1973 Gustav Arthur Cooper National Museum of Natural History Brachiopods of the recent
31 977 1973 Isaac J. Winograd USGS Thick unsaturated zones of the southwest: An appraisal of their use as repositories for solidified high-level radioactive wastes
32 977 1973 M. Clark Blake Jr. USGS Field relations of Soviet ophiolites
33 978 1973 Eric R. Force USGS Metamorphic source terranes of titanium placer deposits
34 978 1973 Robert E. Mattick;
  et al.
USGS A preliminary report on USGS geophysical studies on the northeastern United States outer continental shelf
35 978 1973 William F. Cannon USGS Hard iron ore of the Marquette Range, Michigan
36 979 1973 Douglas Merrill Kinney USGS Development of North Park, a Rocky Mountain Tertiary basin. (Presidential Address)

Douglas Merrill Kinney was President in 1973
E-an Zen was 1st VP in 1973
Robert Ballin Neuman was 2nd VP in 1973
Margaret Appleman was Treasurer in 1973
David S. Harwood was Meeting Secy in 1973
Peter B. Stifel was Council Secy in 1973
John W. Allingham was on the Council in 1973
Jean M. Berdan was on the Council in 1973
George R. Helz was on the Council in 1973
W. Hemphill was on the Council in 1973
Odette B. James was on the Council in 1973
Priestley Toulmin III was on the Council in 1973
Charles Milton was VP-WAS in 1973
Douglas W. Rankin was Chair of the Program Committee in 1973
William Charles Prinz was Chair of the Awards Committee in 1973
John Thomas Dutro Jr. was Chair of the Nominating Committee in 1973
C. E. Brown was Chair of the Sleeping Bear Committee in 1973
Malcolm Ross was Chair of the Finance Committee in 1973
Harvey Belkin was Chair of the Auditing Committee in 1973
Daniel E. Appleman was Chair of the Public srvc Committee in 1973
Kenneth M. Towe won the Best Paper Award in 1973
Edwin Roedder won the 2nd best paper Award in 1973
John Tilton Hack won the Great Dane Award in 1973
W. Newell won the Great Dane Award in 1973
David S. Harwood won the Sleeping Bear Award in 1973
E-an Zen was the Grand Inquisitor of 1973