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Presidential Addresses

10 talks found:

(Click on mtg# for details and minutes)

Rec Mtg# Year Authors Institution Talk title
1 874 1965 William G. Melson US National Museum Metamorphism in the mid-Atlantic Ridge
2 947 1971 William G. Melson National Museum of Natural History Results of preliminary examination of rocks from Apollo 14.
3 969 1973 William G. Melson National Museum of Natural History Geology and archeology, Tell Gemmeh, Israel
4 989 1974 William G. Melson National Museum of Natural History Drilling 582 m into basement on the mid-Atlantic Ridge — sediment/flow relations, gabbro/peridotite complexes, and other results of DSDP Leg 37
5 1023 1977 William G. Melson National Museum of Natural History Oceanic basement drilling: technical and scientific achievements
6 1047 1979 William G. Melson National Museum of Natural History Eruptive cycles of Arenal volcano, Costa Rica
7 1108 1983 William G. Melson National Museum of Natural History The "nothing" in magmas of the 1980-83 eruptives of Mount St. Helens
8 1222 1992 William G. Melson National Museum of Natural History Volcano songs: acoustic and seismic signatures of eruptions at Arenal Volcano, Costa Rica
9 1237 1993 William G. Melson National Museum of Natural History Problems in volcanic eruption prediction with reference to Yucca Mountain High, Nevada
10 1435 2009 William G. Melson National Museum of Natural History Is Arenal volcano, Costa Rica, about to enter repose after 41 years of continuous eruptions?

William G. Melson was 2nd VP in 1970