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List of
Best Papers
List of
Presidential Addresses

34 talks found:

(Click on mtg# for details and minutes)

Rec Mtg# Year Authors Institution Talk title
1 1170 1988 Bruce Fegley Massachusetts Institute of Technology Impacts, acid rain and the extinction of the dinosaurs
2 1170 1988 Bjorn Mysen Geophysical Laboratory Rock-forming processes in the early solar system: Results from experimentally-determined vaporus surfaces of oxides and silicates
3 1170 1988 James B. Garvin NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Remote Probing of Impact Craters on the Earth
4 1171 1988 Owen P. Bricker USGS Acid rain: History and current research
5 1171 1988 David R. Veblen Johns Hopkins University Electron microscopy and crystal chemistry of deep crustal pyroxenes (2nd Best Paper 1988)
6 1171 1988 James D. Webster USGS Fluid-melt equilibration and the geochemical evolution of topaz rhyolite at Spor Mountain, Utah
7 1172 1988 Martha L. Scott Texas A&M University Radium and rivers: the Mississippi estuary
8 1172 1988 John B. Brady Smith College Hydrothermal metamorphism or Do metamorphic rocks stew in their own juices?
9 1172 1988 Marcia K. McNutt Massachusetts Institute of Technology The South Pacific Superswell
10 1173 1988 Samuel T. Pees T. Pees and Associates Early days along Oil Creek, Pennsylvania, 1859-1865
11 1173 1988 R. Venkatakrishnan;
  Steven J. Kulver
Old Dominion University Plate boundaries for the Senegal microplate, West Africa
12 1173 1988 Robert F. Martin McGill University/Johns Hopkins University Melt inclusions in quartz in rhyolites: a key to the evolution of silicic magmas
13 1174 1988 John F. Slack USGS Boron isotopic studies of submarine hydrothermal systems, modern and ancient
14 1174 1988 Marcus Kay Yale University/Smithsonian Paleoenvironmental gradients in Ordovician Bryozoans: no place but Cincinnati
15 1174 1988 Clifford M. Nelson USGS Regional geologic mapping by the 4 1/2 'Great Surveys of the American West,' 1867-1879
16 1175 1988 Charles D. Cunningham USGS Relationships between disseminated gold deposits, paleothermal anomalies, and Precambrian cratons in the U.S. and China
17 1175 1988 Erchie Wang;
  Jean J. Chu
Academia Sinica Collision tectonics in the Cenozoic orogenic zone bordering China, India, and Burma
18 1175 1988 Edward C. T. Chao USGS Characteristics of the Bayan Obo Fe-Nb-REE deposit of Inner Mongolia, China
19 1176 1988 Luther Carter Author Geologic isolation of nuclear waste: last stand in Nevada-the importance of gaining public trust
20 1176 1988 Stephan Brocum US Department of Energy Geoscience concerns related to design and performance issues at Yucca Mountain
21 1176 1988 Philip S. Justus Nuclear Regulatory Commission Geoscience issues at Yucca Mountain: the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission perspective
22 1177 1988 Carol Simpson Johns Hopkins University The objectivity of kinematic indicators to the subject of fault movement history: the example of the Fries thrust zone, southwestern Virginia (2nd Best Paper 1988)
23 1177 1988 David Benjamin Stewart;
  J.D. Phillips;
  John D. Unger;
  B.E. Wright
USGS New images of the Maine crust from Geographic Information Systems (Best Paper 1988)
24 1177 1988 Susan Kieffer USGS, Flagstaff Old Faithful Geyser: Could 100 ppm CO2 be important?
25 1178 1988 Anita G. Harris;
  John E. Repetski;
  J.A. Dumoulin
USGS The tropical Ordovician of arctic Alaska
26 1178 1988 Michael Max Naval Research Laboratory Terranes in the north circum-Atlantic area
27 1178 1988 Robert Wintsch Indiana University Thrust nappes versus fold nappes in the Avalon terrane of southeastern Connecticut
28 1179 1988 Joseph P. Smoot USGS Sedimentary processes in playa basins: a comparison of modern Australian basins and the Early Mesozoic Newark Supergroup in the USA
29 1179 1988 David R. Soller USGS Three-dimensional analysis of glacial sediments in the United States east of the Rocky Mountains
30 1179 1988 John Stephen Huebner;
  Marta Flohr
USGS Protoliths and possible origins of banded manganese formations
31 1180 1988 Robert G. Coleman Stanford University Emplacement of the Semail Ophiolite
32 1180 1988 George E. Ericksen USGS Metalliferous deposits in Neogene-Quaternary volcanic centers of the central Andes
33 1180 1988 Ted A. Maxwell National Air and Space Museum Remote sensing of temporal changes of deserts
34 1181 1988 Douglas Rumble III Geophysical Laboratory Fluid flow in metamorphism. (Presidential Address)

Douglas Rumble III was President in 1988
Penelope M. Hanshaw was 1st VP in 1988
Daniel J. Milton was 2nd VP in 1988
Richard P. Tollo was Treasurer in 1988
Sorena S. Sorensen was Meeting Secy in 1988
Raymond Rye was Council Secy in 1988
William C. Burton was on the Council in 1988
Charles A. Lawson was on the Council in 1988
Roger Nielsen was on the Council in 1988
Patrick T. Taylor was on the Council in 1988
Robert L. Wesson was on the Council in 1988
F. A. Wilson was on the Council in 1988
Peter T. Lyttle was Chair of the Program Committee in 1988
John F. Slack was Chair of the Awards Committee in 1988
Elizabeth D. Cron was Chair of the Membership Committee in 1988
Eugene Corley Robertson was Chair of the Nominating Committee in 1988
Bruce R. Wardlaw was Chair of the Sleeping Bear Committee in 1988
Thomas O. Wright was Chair of the Auditing Committee in 1988
Gerhard William Leo was Chair of the Public srvc Committee in 1988
David Benjamin Stewart won the Best Paper Award in 1988
Carol Simpson won the 2nd best paper Award in 1988
David R. Veblen won the 2nd best paper Award in 1988
E-an Zen won the Great Dane Award in 1988
Douglas Rumble III won the Sleeping Bear Award in 1988
E-an Zen was the Grand Inquisitor of 1988