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3 talks found:

(Click on mtg# for details and minutes)

Rec Mtg# Year Authors Institution Talk title
1 1143 1985 Joseph P. Smoot USGS Fluvial styles in the early Mesozoic Newark Supergroup and their paleoclimatic implications
2 1179 1988 Joseph P. Smoot USGS Sedimentary processes in playa basins: a comparison of modern Australian basins and the Early Mesozoic Newark Supergroup in the USA
3 1312 1999 Joseph P. Smoot USGS Sedimentary record of the 1872 earthquake and "tsunami", Owens Lake, California. (Best Paper 1999)

Joseph P. Smoot won the Best Paper Award in 1999
Joseph P. Smoot was Meeting Secy in 2003
Joseph P. Smoot was Council Secy in 2004