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List of
Best Papers
List of
Presidential Addresses

34 talks found:

(Click on mtg# for details and minutes)

Rec Mtg# Year Authors Institution Talk title
1 1284 1997 Steven B. Shirey Department of Terrestrial Magnetism Old continental lithospheric mantle: New evidence from Os isotopes on peridotites, eclogites, and diamond inclusions.
2 1284 1997 Dennis B. Fenn USGS Will the Biological Resources Division be a good thing for the U.S.Geological Survey?
3 1284 1997 Bevan M. French National Museum of Natural History Crater in the fjords: The Gardnos impact structure, Norway.
4 1285 1997 Gerald F. Wieczorek USGS Rockfall in Yosemite Valley
5 1285 1997 Timothy J. McCoy National Museum of Natural History The partial melting of asteroids (Best Paper 1997)
6 1285 1997 Robert H. Webb USGS Rapids, debris flows, and the 1996 controlled flood in Grand Canyon
7 1286 1997 Jeff Wynn USGS Wabar meteorite impact site, Empty Quarter, Saudi Arabia: Getting there was half the fun.
8 1286 1997 David J. Verardo University of Virginia African charcoal burial in Atlantic deep-sea sediments.
9 1286 1997 Jack Herring US Congress The Kuwait oil fires: Conflagrations at the boundary of environmental science and politics.
10 1287 1997 Harrison H. Schmitt University of Wisconsin, Madison Mining fusion energy resources from the Moon
11 1288 1997 Joe Briskey USGS Earth-science information, Congress, taxpayers and voting, federal funding, and the future: The perspective of personal staff on Capitol Hill.
12 1288 1997 Tamara Nameroff US Congress The paleo-record of trace metals in continental margin sediments of the eastern tropical north Pacific.
13 1288 1997 Pat McGovern Department of Terrestrial Magnetism Deep structure of large volcanoes on Mars and Venus.
14 1289 1997 Robert B. Finkelman USGS Geology and public health in Guizhou Province, China.
15 1289 1997 Peter Fiske US Department of Defense Downsizing and the future of science careers in government.
16 1289 1997 Wiley Poag USGS The Chesapeake Bay bolide impact.
17 1290 1997 Lynn Brewster-Wingard USGS The ecosystem history of Florida Bay: The role of paleoecology in environmental reconstruction. (2nd Best Paper 1997)
18 1290 1997 Judith Ehlen US Army Topographic Engineering Center Predicting fracture characteristics in weathered granite.
19 1290 1997 Kevin Houghton University of Maryland Turbulence in natural channels: Methods of measurement and analysis.
20 1291 1997 R. Brooks Hanson Science Magazine Going to extremes in the western Great Basin: Geological, biological, archeological and other novelties of the Northern White Mountains, California.
21 1291 1997 Nicholas B. Woodward US Department of Energy The role of models in structural geology.
22 1291 1997 Bruce D. Marsh Johns Hopkins University The exotic magmatic sytem of the Dry Valleys region of Antarctica.
23 1292 1997 Jay Kaufman University of Maryland Isotopes, ice ages, and terminal Proterozoic Earth history.
24 1292 1997 John C. Lassiter Department of Terrestrial Magnetism Crustal recycling in the mantle: Evidence from the Hawaiian hotspot.
25 1293 1997 Eleanora I. Robbins USGS The acid hot springs of Thera volcano, Santorini, Greece -- analogs for banded iron formation and terraforming Mars.
26 1293 1997 Chuck Bailey College of William & Mary A glaciogenic origin for the Late Neoproterozoic Mechum River Formation, Blue Ridge Province, Virginia.
27 1293 1997 James Zimbelman National Air and Space Museum A return to the Red Planet.
28 1294 1997 Michael Wise National Museum of Natural History Amazonite-bearing pegmatites in the Appalachian province: examples of primitive to highly evolved NYF-type pegmatites.
29 1294 1997 Curt Larsen USGS Late Holocene Lake Superior isostatic and climatic lake level change.
30 1294 1997 Christina Gallup University of Maryland Constraints on the marine uranium budget from the uranium-isotopic history as recorded by fossil corals.
31 1295 1997 W. Gary Ernst Stanford University Hornblendes experimentally synthesized from MORB -- a new semiquantitative thermobarometer.
32 1295 1997 Debra Willard USGS Vegetational response to environmental changes in south Florida over the last two millennia.
33 1295 1997 Catherine Johnson Department of Terrestrial Magnetism Earth's magnetic field over the past 5 Myr: From the outcrop to the core mantle boundary.
34 1296 1997 Bruce R. Lipin USGS, Reston The Stillwater Complex, Montana: The untold story. (Presidential Address)

Bruce R. Lipin was President in 1997
Sorena S. Sorensen was 1st VP in 1997
J. K. Bohlke was 2nd VP in 1997
Kevin D. Crowley was Treasurer in 1997
Sandra Neuzil was Meeting Secy in 1997
Ian D. MacGregor was Council Secy in 1997
B. Carter Hearn Jr. was on the Council in 1997
Alan Linde was on the Council in 1997
J. L. Snyder was on the Council in 1997
J. Alexander Speer was on the Council in 1997
Marilyn Suiter was on the Council in 1997
Nicholas B. Woodward was on the Council in 1997
David Applegate was Chair of the Program Committee in 1997
Steven B. Shirey was Chair of the Awards Committee in 1997
Leslie F. Ruppert was Chair of the Membership Committee in 1997
Margo Kingston was Chair of the Nominating Committee in 1997
Jane Marie Hammarstrom was Chair of the Sleeping Bear Committee in 1997
Sorena S. Sorensen was Chair of the Finance Committee in 1997
J. Crampton was Chair of the Auditing Committee in 1997
John Jens was Chair of the Public srvc Committee in 1997
Timothy J. McCoy won the Best Paper Award in 1997
Lynn Brewster-Wingard won the 2nd best paper Award in 1997
Bruce R. Lipin won the Sleeping Bear Award in 1997
Eugene Corley Robertson was the Grand Inquisitor of 1997