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4 talks found:

(Click on mtg# for details and minutes)

Rec Mtg# Year Authors Institution Talk title
1 1241 1993 Debra Willard USGS Pollen record from the North Atlantic Region at 3 Ma: Vegetational distribution during a period of global warmth
2 1255 1994 Debra Willard USGS Response of terrestrial marine ecosystems to changes in Pliocene climate: an example from the South Atlantic Ocean
3 1295 1997 Debra Willard USGS Vegetational response to environmental changes in south Florida over the last two millennia.
4 1423 2008 Debra Willard USGS Paleoecology as a tool for restoration: Examples from the Florida Everglades

Debra Willard won the 2nd best paper Award in 2008