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List of
Best Papers
List of
Presidential Addresses

32 talks found:

(Click on mtg# for details and minutes)

Rec Mtg# Year Authors Institution Talk title
1 1372 2004 Thomas P. Wagner National Science Foundation Geology in the last place on Earth.
2 1372 2004 Chester F. Watts Radford University Catastrophic rock falls on public lands: Acts of God and acts of men.
3 1372 2004 S. Julio Friedmann University of Maryland Carbon sequestration and oilfield injection at Teapot Dome, Wyoming.
4 1373 2004 Christopher Keane American Geological Institute The real and human economy of the geosciences.
5 1373 2004 Dadash Huseynov Geological Institute of Azerbaijan Hydrocarbon systems and mud volcanoes of the central Caspian Sea
6 1373 2004 James Zimbelman National Air and Space Museum Status and results from the MER and Cassini missions.
7 1374 2004 Katherine A Kelley Department of Terrestrial Magnetism The role of water in the formation of subduction zone magmas.
8 1374 2004 Walter S. Snyder National Science Foundation Upper Paleozoic tectonostratigraphy of the Western US -- What happened between the Antler and Sonoma Orogenies?
9 1374 2004 Rhonda Stroud Naval Research Laboratory Clues to stellar evolution from the microscopy of stardust.
10 1375 2004 Maureen Bottrell Federal Bureau of Investigation Forensic geology at the FBI.
11 1375 2004 William Leith USGS History of military geology in the USGS and the hunt for bin Laden.
12 1375 2004 Peter Chirico USGS The geology and geomorphology of Mesopotamia in the context of military operations.
13 1376 2004 Steve Bohlen Joint Oceanographic Institutions, Inc. Ocean drilling and ocean observing: Dealing with the unknown majority of the planet.
14 1376 2004 Jeff Plescia Johns Hopkins University Terrestrial impact structures: The hole story.
15 1376 2004 John Grant National Air and Space Museum The Mars Exploration Rover Mission: A view from the driver's seat.
16 1377 2004 Dorothy Hall NASA Climate and the cryosphere: Glaciers, sea ice, permafrost, and snow cover.
17 1377 2004 Nick Lancaster USGS The dry end of the curve: Desert paleoclimates and their implications for global change.
18 1377 2004 Brian Huber National Museum of Natural History From icehouse to supergreenhouse: Cretaceous climate change on long and short time scales.
19 1378 2004 Julie Baldwin University of Maryland U-Pb systematics of monazite in high-pressure granulites.
20 1378 2004 Tim Lowenstein State University of New York, Binghampton Fluid inclusions: paleoseawater, paleoclimate, ancient life.
21 1378 2004 Paul E. Olsen Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory Comparison between the stratigraphic evolution of Early Mesozoic rift basins on the conjugate North American and Moroccan margins.
22 1379 2004 Andrea Grottoli University of Pennsylvania Paleoceanography using carbon isotopes in corals and sclerosponges. (Best Paper 2004)
23 1379 2004 Randy McBride George Mason University Geologic signature and dynamics of a former tidal inlet system along the Outer Banks of Virginia and North Carolina: the Old Currituck Inlet from pre-158
24 1379 2004 Todd Hinckley USGS, Denver Ice cores: A detailed million-year record of Earth's climate and atmosphere.
25 1380 2004 Rufus Chaney US Department of Agriculture Phytomining of soil nickel: A new opportunity for lower-cost metal.
26 1380 2004 Patrick Wyse Jackson Trinity College Some Irish contributions to the age of the Earth debate.
27 1380 2004 Robert B. Finkelman USGS My life as an Embassy Science Fellow.
28 1381 2004 Alison Shaw Department of Terrestrial Magnetism Volatile mass balance at subduction zones: insights from the Marianas Arc
29 1381 2004 Stephanie Prejean USGS New techniques yield insight into the processes driving volcanic unrest in the Long Valley Caldera
30 1381 2004 James Quick USGS Real-time science, monitoring, and hazard warning: Mount St. Helens 2004 (2nd Best Paper 2004)
31 1382 2004 Richard Fortey The Natural History Museum, London Earth -- an intimate history
32 1383 2004 Jeffrey N. Grossman USGS Primordial metamorphism (Presidential Address)

Jeffrey N. Grossman was President in 2004
R. Brooks Hanson was 1st VP in 2004
Margo Kingston was 2nd VP in 2004
Harvey Belkin was Treasurer in 2004
Linda Rowan was Meeting Secy in 2004
Joseph P. Smoot was Council Secy in 2004
Edith Allison was on the Council in 2004
Sean Brennan was on the Council in 2004
Dazhi Jiang was on the Council in 2004
Margaret Kasim was on the Council in 2004
Bret Leslie was on the Council in 2004
Jeff Ryan was on the Council in 2004
Linda C. S. Gundersen was Chair of the Program Committee in 2004
William F. McDonough was Chair of the Awards Committee in 2004
Leslie F. Ruppert was Chair of the Membership Committee in 2004
Hal J. Gluskoter was Chair of the Nominating Committee in 2004
Jeffrey N. Grossman was Chair of the Sleeping Bear Committee in 2004
David Applegate was Chair of the Finance Committee in 2004
Rosalind T. Helz was Chair of the Auditing Committee in 2004
Frederick O. Simon was Chair of the Auditing Committee in 2004
Gordon L. Nord Jr. was Chair of the Public srvc Committee in 2004
Andrea Grottoli won the Best Paper Award in 2004
James Quick won the 2nd best paper Award in 2004
Jane Marie Hammarstrom won the Great Dane Award in 2004
William F. McDonough won the Sleeping Bear Award in 2004
Jeffrey N. Grossman was the Grand Inquisitor of 2004