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List of
Best Papers
List of
Presidential Addresses

29 talks found:

(Click on mtg# for details and minutes)

Rec Mtg# Year Authors Institution Talk title
1 1417 2008 Derek Schutt National Science Foundation The Yellowstone hotspot and how it got that way
2 1417 2008 J. K. Bohlke USGS Isotopic evidence for natural and synthetic perchlorate in groundwater
3 1417 2008 Eloise Gaillou National Museum of Natural History Color in gem opals
4 1418 2008 Aaron J. Martin University of Maryland Dynamic models of the tectonic evolution of the Himalaya
5 1418 2008 Darryn W. Waugh Johns Hopkins University Recovery of the ozone layer
6 1418 2008 Bradley de Gregorio Naval Research Laboratory Bugs or gunk? Novel approaches for assessing the biogenicity of Earth’s oldest microfossils
7 1419 2008 John C. Eichelberger University of Maryland Volcanoes are geysers
8 1419 2008 Reto Gieré University of Freiburg Mineralogy of the atmosphere: Assessing the environmental and health impacts of airborne particulate matter
9 1419 2008 Jessica M. Warren Department of Terrestrial Magnetism Sampling mantle heterogeneity at ultra-slow spreading ridges
10 1420 2008 Tetsuya Yokoyama University of Maryland Heterogeneity/homogeneity of the solar system: Evidence from osmium isotope cosmochemistry
11 1420 2008 Ingrid Johanson USGS/Menlo Park New methods in satellite radar interferometry for measuring volcano deformation
12 1420 2008 Dominic Papineau Geophysical Laboratory Paleoproterozoic glaciations and the rise of atmospheric oxygen: what were the causes?
13 1421 2008 Sean Solomon Department of Terrestrial Magnetism Messenger’s first Mercury flyby and what it’s telling us about the terrestrial planets
14 1422 2008 Fawna Korhonen University of Maryland Polymetamorphic history of the Fosdick Migmatite Dome, West Antarctica: Insights into the evolution of Gondwana
15 1422 2008 James B. Gill University of California, Santa Cruz Baitoushan (again): explosive North Korea (volcanism)
16 1422 2008 Matthew J. Fouch Arizona State University Probing mantle dynamics of the northwestern United States: the High Lava Plains Seismic Experiment
17 1423 2008 Debra Willard USGS Paleoecology as a tool for restoration: Examples from the Florida Everglades
18 1423 2008 Stephen Self Open University/NRC New insights into flood basalt super-eruptions
19 1423 2008 Lucy A. McFadden University of Maryland Expanding our inventory of extra-terrestrial materials: the Antarctic search for meteorites program
20 1424 2008 Sarah Penniston-Dorland University of Maryland Multiple sulfur isotopes reveal a magmatic origin for the Platreef PGE deposit, Bushveld Complex, South Africa
21 1424 2008 Callan Bentley Northern Virginia Community College Rise of the geoblogosphere
22 1424 2008 Matt Jackson Department of Terrestrial Magnetism The fate of subducted continental crust in the Earth's mantle
23 1425 2008 Leonard F. Konikow USGS Groundwater depletion: national assessment and global implications
24 1425 2008 Dionysis Foustoukos Geophysical Laboratory Energy sources in dark abyssal waters
25 1425 2008 Igor Puchtel University of Maryland Re-Os isotope systematics and HSE abundances of the 3.5 Ga Schapenburg komatiites, South Africa
26 1426 2008 Susan Brantley Pennsylvania State University Bedrock to soil: where rock meets life
27 1426 2008 Rowan Lockwood College of William & Mary Bolides, bivalves, and burrowing: effects of the K/T mass extinction on veneroid clams
28 1426 2008 Richard S. Fiske National Museum of Natural History Intra-oceanic convergent margin volcanism: volcanology’s missing link. Or, the curse of the island arc
29 1427 2008 Craig Schiffries Geological Society of America International Year of Planet Earth: U. S. and global impacts (Presidential Address)

Craig Schiffries was President in 2008
William C. Burton was 1st VP in 2008
Marilyn Suiter was 2nd VP in 2008
John F. Slack was Past President in 2008
Odette B. James was Treasurer in 2008
Mark A. Engle was Meeting Secy in 2008
Sean Brennan was Council Secy in 2008
Callan Bentley was on the Council in 2008
Andrew J. Campbell was on the Council in 2008
Nora Noffke was on the Council in 2008
Elizabeth Cottrell was on the Council in 2008
James F. Allan was on the Council in 2008
Lindsay McClelland was on the Council in 2008
Timothy Mock was Chair of the Program Committee in 2008
Saswata Hier-Majumder was Chair of the Awards Committee in 2008
Sandra Neuzil was Chair of the Membership Committee in 2008
J. Alexander Speer was Chair of the Nominating Committee in 2008
Laura Helmuth was Chair of the Sleeping Bear Committee in 2008
John F. Slack was Chair of the Finance Committee in 2008
Daniel J. Milton was Chair of the Auditing Committee in 2008
Charna Meth was Chair of the Public srvc Committee in 2008
Rowan Lockwood won the Best Paper Award in 2008
Debra Willard won the 2nd best paper Award in 2008
Rosalind T. Helz won the Great Dane Award in 2008
John C. Eichelberger won the Sleeping Bear Award in 2008
William C. Burton was the Grand Inquisitor of 2008